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array_merge leaves empty array. What's wrong?


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Hi, I am a complete beginner in coding PHP and stumbled upon this problem. This is the code:

  $contentpages = $pages->get("/content/")->children;
  echo $contentpages;
  $footersections = $pages->get("/footer/")->children;
  echo $footersections;
  $navlinks = array_merge($contentpages, $footersections);
  echo $navlinks;
  foreach($navlinks as $link) {
  $class = $link === $page->rootParent ? " class='on'" : '';
  echo "<div class='nav-button'><a$class href='{$link->url}'>{$link->title}</a></div>";

So first I get the children of the content page and exclude the first one, which is the homepage. The first echo spits out an array of two values. Then I repeat the procedure for sections in the footer which I want to link to. The second echo shows me those values. But then, after using array_merge to merge(?) the arrays, the resulting variable is empty. I suppose I made a really stupid mistake somewere along the way?

By the way, let me know if anything more elegant comes to your mind, I am eager to learn.

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You can also use an import method of PageArray. Note that the page array of PW isn't a regular php array, that's why it doesn't work.

you could also do something like this.

$pa = new PageArray();
$pa->import( $pages->get("/content/")->children() );
$pa->import( $pages->get("/footer/")->children() );

foreach($pa as $p){

You may check out the cheatsheet on the API pages, and look for the PageArray/WireArray sections. There's lots of useful methods.

For example instead of this:

$contentpages = $pages->get("/content/")->children;

do this to slice off the first entry in the resulting page array:

$contenpages = $page->get("/content/")->children()->slice(0);
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