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Exclude pages with unpublished parent


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The only way I see to do this in a find with a selector, is to do something like this:

$up_pages = $pages->find("status=unpublished");
$sel = '';
foreach($up_pages as $p){
   $sel .= ",has_parent!=$p->id";
$pa = $pages->find("template=basic-page$sel");

foreach($pa as $p){
   echo "<p>page: $p->title $p->url</p>";

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Maybe it would be a good idea to create a new method to find pages Starting in the homepage and running the branches from there, would this be possible? Like this we could do this kind of filtering very easily.

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The simplest way would be just to post-filter them after your search. Meaning, whatever code you have outputting the found pages would just check the status and skip over any that had unpublished parents.

foreach($items as $item) {
 $skip = false;
 foreach($item->parents as $parent) if($parent->is(Page::statusUnpublished)) $skip = true; 
 if($skip) continue;
 // otherwise item is good to output
 echo "<li>$item->title</li>";

But if you are also working with pagination, then you kind of need to have these things filtered ahead of time. In that case, I think Soma's method would be good. The hope is that you don't have too many unpublished pages to be found, that could slow the query. One way to further optimize that would be to find only unpublished pages that have children.

$up_pages = $pages->find("status=unpublished, numChildren>0"); 
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