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Comments not saving in 2.2.10


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I read elsewhere that a comment-saving bug may have been fixed in the dev version, so I installed it because comments weren't saving on one of my clients' sites. However, comments still aren't saving. Anything I should do to troubleshoot? The comment notification email is sent out, which is how we know that comments aren't added to the database--they show up in an email but not in the admin panel.

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I attempted to duplicate the issue here a few times, but the only way I could duplicate it was (as Arjen mentioned) by enabling the cache for the template that the comments field appeared on. Though I don't think this is the issue in your case, because you still received an email, which would not happen of cache were the problem.

Slightly off-topic:

For those that want to use comments fields on cached pages, you can still do so. Edit your template that the comments field appears on (Setup > Templates > [some template]). Then click the "cache" tab. For "Comment disabling GET vars" enter "comment_success". For "Comment disabling POST vars" enter "text". Save. Now your cached pages will still work with the comments field. I'll have to find a way for this to happen automatically behind the scenes... but until then, this is the best route to using comments fields on cached pages.

Back on-topic:

Marc--do you see any related errors in your /site/assets/logs/errors.txt? Can you try going to your comments field and just hit "save"? (maybe there's some setting that needs to be refreshed). If that doesn't do it, try enabling the "Redirect after comment post" checkbox, which is something that I recommend for everyone now. Let me know if you see any change in behavior?

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Marc, let me know what you find. I just need some way to reproduce it, but once I can do that I can fix it quickly. If I can't reproduce it here, and you don't mind giving me access to troubleshoot your install, I'll be glad to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Ryan, I checked the error log but no errors have been written since I first worked on the site. Then I enabled the redirect option, but it didn't change anything that I could see.

Here's an interesting twist though. What do you think? This is from the default blog setup...


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I should mention I'm assuming that comments go under the "Comments" page, but I haven't actually seen any written to the db yet, so I don't know. I'll test it out with children / new pages allowed.

Edit: OK, that did nothing.

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Well, I feel like a complete idiot. I assumed comments were stored & managed as children of the "Comments" page, but they're actually managed through a field on the individual blog post pages.

So, there is no problem here...sigh. Thanks to everyone who helped me troubleshoot, and sorry to waste your time.

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