SiteSpectre by rafaoski

Site Profile for Processwire 3x using Framework Spectre.css

Site Profile For Processwire 3x with include Framework Spectre.css and functions like:



If you want to use GULP STACK you must install these packages on your system:


Now go to folder with all template files and install Important Dependencies

npm install
bower install

Go to gulpfile.js and change in line 9 -- var URL: "" To your local processwire-installation -- like:


Folder With all SCSS file is inside templates/assets/scss

To use the Font Awesome, you must uncomment ( remove => // ) this code line into the file that is in assets/scss/master.scss in line 6, must look like below:


To copy Font Awesome use the command:

gulp copy

Now Use This Command to Watch all changes:

gulp watch

To Build all CSS with Font Awesome:

gulp build

Folder With all compressed CSS file is inside templates/assets/css


Font Awesome

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

“Yesterday I sent the client a short documentation for their ProcessWire-powered website. Today all features already used with no questions. #cmsdoneright—Marc Hinse, Web designer/developer