SiteTwilight by rafaoski

Site Profile for Processwire CMS | CMF Using CSS GRID, FLEX, GRIDLEX

Site Profile For Processwire 3x with using functions like:



Installed Modules:


MODULES CORE => Comments, Forgot Password, RSS, Repeater,

If you want to use GULP STACK you must install these packages on your system:


Now go to folder with all template files and install Important Dependencies

npm install
bower install

Go to gulpfile.js and change in line 15 -- var URL: "" To your local processwire-installation -- like:


Before Using Gulp

You Must Go to Options Page and Enable it in Select From Enable OR Disable Options and Enable Gulp Watch

Now Use This Command to Copy important Dependencies:

gulp start

Now Use This Command to Watch all changes:

gulp watch

Folder With all SCSS file is inside templates/all-assets/scss

To Minify CSS Use This Command:

gulp finish

To remove DEMO DATA go to _main.php and uncomment it with:

// trashDemoData($trash = true);


trashDemoData($trash = true);

And go to your home page and refresh it ... Your Demo Sites should be in the trash ...
Finally, remove or comment this feature back:

// trashDemoData($trash = true);


Font Awesome

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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