• PaymentPaypal 0.0.1 beta by apeisa
    PaymentPaypal - using standard payment API and PDT for verification
    2015/03/09 — Other Modules
  • PaymentStripe 0.0.1 beta by apeisa
    Allows using stripe for credit card payments in any ProcessWire site.
    2015/03/09 — Other Modules
  • PaymentModule 1.0.1 beta by apeisa
    Base module for other Payment modules to extend.
    2021/06/30 — Other Modules
  • FieldtypePoll 1.0.0 by apeisa
    Simple poll field for ProcessWire
    2013/06/17 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation
  • AngularJS 1.0.2 by apeisa
    Angular JS -framework for ProcessWire. Doesn't do anything by itself, but some admin modules might require this.
    2013/06/17 — Other Modules
  • Fredi 1.2.0 by apeisa
    Fredi - Friendly Frontend Editor: Fredi will bring quick modal edit links to frontend. Supports all the fieldtypes.
    2015/05/26 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules
  • ProcessTrashman 1.0.0 by apeisa
    Trashman: Allows users without superuser role to view and restore pages from trash.
    2013/01/05 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Users and Access
  • FacebookLogin 0.0.1 alpha by apeisa
    Adds facebook login/register for your website or application.
    2012/08/21 — Social, Feeds, Services
  • Suomi 1.0.0 by apeisa
    Finnish (fi-FI): Finnish (fi-FI) language pack for ProcessWire admin.
    2015/06/13 — Language Packs
  • ProcessDataImport 0.0.1 alpha by apeisa
    Import data from any feed (xml, json, csv supported) and save it as native pw-pages. This is non-working version of upcoming ProcessDataImport -module for…
    2012/07/25 — Import/Export, Process Modules, Proof of Concept
  • Discussions 1.0.0 beta by apeisa
    Super simple discussions board for ProcessWire.
    2012/07/25 — Markup Generation, Proof of Concept, Social, Feeds, Services
  • InputfieldFlickr 1.0.0 beta by apeisa
    Flickr Inputfield: Inputfield for ProcessWire to use Flickr search and add images straight from admin UI.
    2012/07/25 — Inputfield Modules, Social, Feeds, Services, Photo/Video/Audio
  • ProcessRedirects 2.2.2 by apeisa
    Redirects: This module adds page to Admin -> Setup -> Redirects where you can add 301 redirects (inside your site or to other domains).
    2023/09/17 — Process Modules, SEO/Accessibility
  • FieldtypeCropImage 1.0.3 by apeisa
    Thumbnails: Three modules that offer nice thumbnail cropping for ProcessWire. Fully compatible with normal image field.
    2012/07/25 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Process Modules

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

“We chose ProcessWire because of its excellent architecture, modular extensibility and the internal API. The CMS offers the necessary flexibility and performance for such a complex website like superbude.de. ProcessWire offers options that are only available for larger systems, such as Drupal, and allows a much slimmer development process.” —xport communication GmbH