• TfaWebAuthn 1.0.1 alpha by Adam Blunt
    WebAuthn two-factor authentication: For modern two factor authentication with U2F keys and on-device credentials like Fingerprints/Face
    2024/05/20 — Users and Access, Authentication
  • TfaU2F 1.0.3 beta by Adam Blunt
    U2F Two Factor Authentication: For two-factor authentication with security keys like Yubikey/Google Titan.
    2021/05/04 — Authentication, Users and Access
  • SamlAuth 1.3.0 beta by Adam Blunt
    SAML Authentication: Add SAML authentication to any ProcessWire website
    2020/04/03 — Authentication, Users and Access

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.