• TfaWebAuthn 1.0.1 alpha by Adam Blunt
    WebAuthn two-factor authentication: For modern two factor authentication with U2F keys and on-device credentials like Fingerprints/Face
    2024/05/20 — Users and Access, Authentication
  • SamlAuth 1.3.0 beta by Adam Blunt
    SAML Authentication: Add SAML authentication to any ProcessWire website
    2020/04/03 — Authentication, Users and Access
  • TfaU2F 1.0.3 beta by Adam Blunt
    U2F Two Factor Authentication: For two-factor authentication with security keys like Yubikey/Google Titan.
    2021/05/04 — Authentication, Users and Access

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

“We chose ProcessWire because of its excellent architecture, modular extensibility and the internal API. The CMS offers the necessary flexibility and performance for such a complex website like superbude.de. ProcessWire offers options that are only available for larger systems, such as Drupal, and allows a much slimmer development process.” —xport communication GmbH