WireTempDir::init() method

Initialize temporary directory

This method should only be called once per instance of this class. If you specified a $name argument in the constructor, then you should not call this method because it will have already been called.


// basic usage
$string = $wireTempDir->init();

// usage with all arguments
$string = $wireTempDir->init($name = '', string $basePath = '');


name (optional)string, object

Recommend providing the object that is using the temp dir, but can also be any string

basePath (optional)string

Base path where temp dirs should be created. Omit to use default (recommended).

Return value


Returns the root of the temporary directory. Use the get() method to get a dir for use.


Method can throw exceptions on error:

  • WireException - if given a $root that doesn't exist

WireTempDir methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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