$mail->send() method

Send an email

  • Note that the order of arguments is slightly different from PHP's mail() function.
  • If no arguments are specified it simply returns a WireMail object (see #5 in examples).
  • This function will attempt to use an installed module that extends WireMail. If no module is installed, WireMail (which uses PHP mail) will be used instead.


// 1. Default usage:
$mail->send($to, $from, $subject, $body);

// 2. Default usage with options array:
$mail->send($to, $from, $subject, $body, $options);

// 3. Specify body and/or bodyHTML in $options array (perhaps with other options):
$mail->send($to, $from, $subject, $options);

// 4. Specify both $body and $bodyHTML as arguments, but no $options:
$mail->send($to, $from, $subject, $body, $bodyHTML);

// 5. Specify a blank call to wireMail() to get the WireMail sending module:
$wireMail = $mail->send();


// basic usage
$int = $mail->send();

// usage with all arguments
$int = $mail->send($to = '', string $from = '', string $subject = '', $body = '', $options = []);


to (optional)string, array

Email address TO. For multiple, specify CSV string or array.

from (optional)string

Email address FROM. This may be an email address, or a combined name and email address. Example of combined name and email: `Karen Cramer <karen

subject (optional)string

Email subject

body (optional)string, array

Email body or omit to move straight to $options

options (optional)array, string

Array of options OR the $bodyHTML string. Array $options are:

  • body (string): Email body (text)
  • bodyHTML (string): Email body (HTML)
  • replyTo (string): Reply-to email address
  • headers (array): Associative array of header name => header value
  • Any additional options will be sent along to the WireMail module or class, in tact.

Return value

int WireMail

Returns number of messages sent or WireMail object if no arguments specified.

$mail methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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