$files->render() method

Given a filename, render it as a ProcessWire template file

This is a shortcut to using the TemplateFile class.

File is assumed relative to /site/templates/ (or a directory within there) unless you specify a full path. If you specify a full path, it will accept files in or below any of the following:

  • /site/templates/
  • /site/modules/
  • /wire/modules/

Note this function returns the output to you, so that you can send the output wherever you want (delayed output). For direct output, use the $files->include() function instead.


// basic usage
$string = $files->render(string $filename);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $files->render(string $filename, array $vars = [], array $options = []);



Assumed relative to /site/templates/ unless you provide a full path name with the filename. If you provide a path, it must resolve somewhere in site/templates/, site/modules/ or wire/modules/.

vars (optional)array

Optional associative array of variables to send to template file. Please note that all template files automatically receive all API variables already (you don't have to provide them).

options (optional)array

Associative array of options to modify behavior:

  • defaultPath (string): Path where files are assumed to be when only filename or relative filename is specified (default=/site/templates/)
  • autoExtension (string): Extension to assume when no ext in filename, make blank for no auto assumption (default=php)
  • allowedPaths (array): Array of paths that are allowed (default is templates, core modules and site modules)
  • allowDotDot (bool): Allow use of ".." in paths? (default=false)
  • throwExceptions (bool): Throw exceptions when fatal error occurs? (default=true)
  • cache (int|string|Page): Specify non-zero value to cache rendered result for this many seconds, or see the WireCache::renderFile() method $expire argument for more options you can specify here. (default=0, no cache) Note: this option added in 3.0.130

Return value

string bool

Rendered template file or boolean false on fatal error (and throwExceptions disabled)


Method can throw exceptions on error:

  • WireException - if template file doesn't exist

See Also

$files methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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