PagefilesManager class

Manages files and file directories for a page independent of a particular field.

Files in ProcessWire are always connected with a particular Field on a Page. This is typically a FieldtypeFile field or a FieldtypeImage field, which exist as Pagefiles or Pageimages values on the Page. Sometimes it is necessary to manage all files connected with a page as a group, and this files manager class provides that. Likewise, something needs to manage the paths and URLs where these files live, and that is where this files manager comes into play as well.

Summary of what PagefilesManager does

  • Provides methods for movement of all files connected with a page as a group.
  • Ensures that file directories for a page are created (and removed) when applicable.
  • Manages secured vs. normal page file paths (see $config->pagefileSecure).
  • Manages extended vs. normal page file paths (see $config->pagefileExtendedPaths).

How to access the Page files manager

The Page files manager can be accessed from any page’s Page::filesManager() method or property.

// Example of getting a Page’s dedicated file path and URL
$filesPath = $page->filesManager->path();
$filesURL = $page->filesManager->url();

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the PagefilesManager class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Wire.

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PagefilesManager::getFile(string $name)
Pagefile Pageimage nullGet the Pagefile object containing the given filename. 
arrayGet an array of all published filenames on the current Page. 
stringReturn a path where temporary files can be stored unique to this ProcessWire instance 
PagefilesManager::hasFile(Page $page, string $file)
bool stringDoes given Page have the given file? Checks in a silent manner, not creating anything. 
PagefilesManager::page Page Page that this files manager is for.  
stringGet the published path for files
Can also be used as property: PagefilesManager::path
stringGet the published URL for files
Can also be used as property: PagefilesManager::url

For hooks

These methods are only useful for hooking and should not be called directly.

(nothing)For hooks to listen to on page save action, for file-specific operations


These methods are not connected with a particular instance and may only be called statically.

PagefilesManager::dirToPageID(string $dir)
intGiven a dir (URL or path) to a files directory, return the page ID associated with it. 
PagefilesManager::hasFiles(Page $page)
boolReturns true if Page has a path and files, false if not. 
PagefilesManager::hasPath(Page $page)
boolReturns true if Page has a files path that exists. 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, PagefilesManager also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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