MarkupAdminDataTable class

Generates markup for data tables used by ProcessWire admin

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the MarkupAdminDataTable class also inherits all the methods and properties of: ModuleJS, WireData and Wire.

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MarkupAdminDataTable::action(array $action)
$thisAdd action(s) button underneath the table 
MarkupAdminDataTable::actions array 
MarkupAdminDataTable::addClass(string $class)
(nothing)Add a class to the table (without replacing existing ones) 
MarkupAdminDataTable::caption string 
MarkupAdminDataTable::class string 
MarkupAdminDataTable::encodeEntities bool 
MarkupAdminDataTable::footerRow(array $a)
$thisSet the footer row for the table
Can also be used as property: MarkupAdminDataTable::footerRow
MarkupAdminDataTable::get(string $key)
mixed nullGet property 
MarkupAdminDataTable::headerRow(array $a)
$thisSet the header row for the table
Can also be used as property: MarkupAdminDataTable::headerRow
MarkupAdminDataTable::id string 
MarkupAdminDataTable::removeClass(string $class)
(nothing)Remove a class from the table 
stringRender the table
MarkupAdminDataTable::resizable bool 
MarkupAdminDataTable::responsive bool 
MarkupAdminDataTable::row(array $a)
$thisAdd a row to the table 
MarkupAdminDataTable::rowAttrs array 
MarkupAdminDataTable::rowClasses array 
MarkupAdminDataTable::rows array 
MarkupAdminDataTable::setCaption(string $caption)
(nothing)Set table caption 
MarkupAdminDataTable::setClass(string $class)
(nothing)Set class(es) to add to table 
MarkupAdminDataTable::setColNotSortable(int $index)
(nothing)Set a column as not sortable (first column is 0) 
(nothing)Set whether or not entity encoding is enabled 
MarkupAdminDataTable::setID(string $id)
(nothing)Set table id attribute 
MarkupAdminDataTable::setResizable(bool $resizable)
(nothing)Set whether or not table is resizable 
(nothing)Set the responsive mode of this table 
MarkupAdminDataTable::setSortable(bool $sortable)
(nothing)Set whether or not table is sortable 
MarkupAdminDataTable::settings(string $key)
string int array null MarkupAdminDataTableGet or set an internal setting
Can also be used as property: MarkupAdminDataTable::settings
MarkupAdminDataTable::sortable bool 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, MarkupAdminDataTable also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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