Single line of text
Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Inputfield
class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Inputfield, WireData and Wire.
Name | Return | Summary | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | array | Get all attributes in an associative array | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | array | Get array of field names allowed for field/template context | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | InputfieldWrapper | Get field configuration | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | int | Get the default maxlength attribute value | |
Inputfield | string | Optional initial/default value | |
Inputfield | int | Maximum allowed length of value | |
Inputfield | int | Minimum allowed length of value (usually combined with 'required' option) | |
Inputfield | bool | By default whitespace is trimmed from value, set this to true to bypass that behavior (default=false). | |
Inputfield | string | HTML5 pattern attribute | |
Inputfield | string | Placeholder attribute text | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | $this | Process input | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | string | Render Inputfield | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | bool | Render ready | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | string | Render just the value (not input) in text/markup for presentation purposes. | |
Inputfield | bool int | When combined with "required" option, this also makes it use the HTML5 "required" attribute. (default=false) | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | Inputfield Inputfield this | Set an attribute | |
Inputfield | int | Show a character counter (1) or word counter (2) or neither (0). Recommended value is 1 when using minlength or maxlength. | |
Inputfield | int | Size of input or 0 for full width | |
Inputfield | bool | Should HTML tags be stripped from value? | |
Inputfield | string | Input type (typically "text") | |
Inputfield | bool | When combined with multi-language support, setting this to true will provide one input per language. Get/set each language value with the "value[languageID]" property, and just "value" for default language. | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | (nothing) | Wired to API |
Additional methods and properties
In addition to the methods and properties above, Inputfield
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244