InputfieldAsmSelect class

Multiple selection, progressive enhancement to select multiple

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the InputfieldAsmSelect class also inherits all the methods and properties of: InputfieldSelectMultiple, InputfieldSelect, Inputfield, WireData and Wire.

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InputfieldAsmSelect::addItemTarget string Where to place new selected items in list: top or bottom (default='bottom') 
InputfieldAsmSelect::addable bool Can items be added to selection? (default=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::animate bool Animate the the adding/removing of items in the list? (default=false) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::debugMode bool Debug mode keeps original select visible (default=false) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::deletable bool Can items be removed from selection? (default=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::deletedOpacity float string Opacity of deleted item, set to 1.0 to disable opacity adjustment (applicable only if hideDeleted=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::deletedPrepend string Deleted item values are prepended with this character in the form submission (applicable only if hideDeleted=true) (default='-') 
InputfieldAsmSelect::editLabel string Text used in the "edit" link (if editLink is populated) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::editLink string Optional URL options can link to with tag {value} replaced by option value, i.e. /path/to/page/edit?id={$value} 
InputfieldAsmSelect::editLinkButtonSelector string Button selector for finding buttons that should become modal window buttons 
InputfieldAsmSelect::editLinkModal string bool Whether the edit link (if used) should be modal or "longclick" for longclick modal only (default=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::editLinkOnlySelected bool When true, edit link only appears for items that were already selected (default=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::fieldset bool Use fieldset support? (for PW Fieldset types) (default=false) 
InputfieldWrapperField config
InputfieldAsmSelect::hideDeleted bool Hide items when deleted. If false, items remain but are marked for deletion (default=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::hideWhenEmpty bool Hide the <select> when there are no items available to select? (default=false) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::highlight bool Use the highlight feature? (default=false) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::highlightAddedLabel string Text that precedes highlight of added item (default='Added: ') 
InputfieldAsmSelect::highlightRemovedLabel string Text that precedes highlight of removed item (default='Removed: ') 
InputfieldAsmSelect::removeLabel string Text used in the "remove" link 
boolCalled before render() 
InputfieldAsmSelect::set(string $key, mixed $value)
Inputfield InputfieldAsmSelect InputfieldSelectSet Inputfield property or AsmSelect option 
InputfieldAsmSelect::setAsmSelectOption(string $key, $value)
selfSet custom option for AsmSelect 
InputfieldAsmSelect::setAsmSelectOptions(array $options)
selfSet multiple custom options for AsmSelect 
InputfieldAsmSelect::sortLabel string Sortable handle/icon 
InputfieldAsmSelect::sortable bool Should the list be sortable? (default=true) 
InputfieldAsmSelect::usePageEdit int bool Use page editor links for selected Page items, when user has edit permission? (default=false) 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, InputfieldAsmSelect also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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