$fuel API variable / Fuel class

Fuel located in file /wire/core/Fuel.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon.

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$fuel->cache WireCache 
$fuel->config Config 
$fuel->database WireDatabasePDO 
$fuel->datetime WireDateTime 
$fuel->db Database 
$fuel->fieldgroups Fieldgroups 
$fuel->fields Fields 
$fuel->fieldtypes Fieldtypes 
$fuel->files WireFileTools 
$fuel->fuel Fuel 
$fuel->input WireInput 
$fuel->languages Languages If LanguageSupport installed 
$fuel->mail WireMailTools 
$fuel->modules Modules 
$fuel->notices Notices 
$fuel->page Page 
$fuel->pages Pages 
$fuel->permissions Permissions 
$fuel->process Process 
$fuel->profiler WireProfilerInterface  
boolRemove an API variable from the Fuel 
$fuel->roles Roles 
$fuel->sanitizer Sanitizer 
$fuel->session Session 
$fuel->set(string $key, $value)
$this@param string $key API variable name to set - should be valid PHP variable name. 
$fuel->templates Templates 
$fuel->user User 
$fuel->users Users 
$fuel->wire ProcessWire 

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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