FormBuilderForm class

Located in file /site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilderForm.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the FormBuilderForm class also inherits all the methods and properties of: FormBuilderField and FormBuilderData.

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FormBuilderForm::_styles string Runtime property for frameworks to populate inline styles.  
FormBuilderForm::action string 
FormBuilderForm::action2 string Duplicate submission URL 
FormBuilderForm::action2_add string Add fields to duplicate submission (textarea format string) 
FormBuilderForm::action2_remove string Newline separated field names to remove from duplicate submission 
FormBuilderForm::action2_rename string Key=value format string of fields to rename in duplicate submission, one per line.  
FormBuilderForm::add(FormBuilderField $child)
FormBuilderForm FormBuilderFieldAdd a new child to this form/field 
(nothing)Add flag to form 
FormBuilderForm::akismet string CSV data for Akismet 
FormBuilderForm::allowPreset bool int Preset field values from GET variables? 
FormBuilderForm::backText string Default “back” button text 
FormBuilderForm::emailFrom string Email reply-to address (also used as from address if emailFrom2 not specified) 
FormBuilderForm::emailFrom2 string Email from address (if different from emailFrom) 
FormBuilderForm::emailSubject string Email subject line 
FormBuilderForm::emailTo string Email address, addresses, or format string to send form results to 
FormBuilderEntriesGet this form's FormBuilderEntries instance 
FormBuilderForm::entryDays int Maximum days an entry is allowed to be saved in the system 
FormBuilderForm::errorMessage string 
FormBuilderForm::fbRender FormBuilderRender null 
FormBuilderForm::firstEntryDate string 
FormBuilderForm::flags int Form flags (see FormBuilderProcessor::formFlag* constants) 
FormBuilderForm::formFlags int Alias of $flags 
FormBuilderForm::forms FormBuilderMain 
FormBuilderForm::framework string 
FormBuilderForm::get(string $key)
mixedEnsure that direct access to 'processor' or 'entries' goes to the right place 
arrayReturn a list of errors that occurred, if submitted. 
FormBuilderRender nullGet the FormBuilderRender used by this form (when available) 
null FormBuilderFrameworkGet form Framework 
InputfieldForm InputfieldGet new InputfieldForm for this FormBuilderForm 
intReturn quantity of paginations found in form 
arrayGet array of fields having type FormBuilderPageBreak, indexed by page number 
FormBuilderForm::googleSheetsResponseField string 
FormBuilderForm::googleSpreadsheetFields array null 
FormBuilderForm::googleSpreadsheetUrl string null 
FormBuilderForm::hLevel int Headline level (used above forms with pagination, 0=off) 
FormBuilderForm::hasField(string $name)
boolDoes form having a field with given nane? 
FormBuilderForm::hasFlag(int $flag)
intDoes this form have the given flag? 
FormBuilderForm::hasPermission(string $name)
boolDoes current user have requested permission to this form? 
FormBuilderForm::honeypot string Name of honeypot field 
FormBuilderForm::id int 
boolWas the form submitted? 
FormBuilderForm::lastEntryDate string 
FormBuilderForm::listFields array Field names to show in entries list 
FormBuilderForm::method string 
FormBuilderForm::mobilePx int Mobile responsive breakpoint. 
FormBuilderForm::name string 
FormBuilderForm::nextText string Default “next” button text 
FormBuilderForm::numEntries int 
FormBuilderForm::numFields int 
FormBuilderForm::partialEntryDays int Maximum days to allow an incomplete/partial entry to exist in the system (default=14) 
FormBuilderForm::partialEntryType int Storage type to use for partial entries (0=session, 1=database) 
FormBuilderForm::pluginActions array 
FormBuilderProcessorGet processor for this form 
(nothing)Remove flag from form 
stringRender this form's output and/or process if it has been posted. 
FormBuilderForm::responderBody string Body of auto-responder 
FormBuilderForm::responderFrom string Responder from address 
FormBuilderForm::responderFromName string Responder from "name" 
FormBuilderForm::responderReplyTo string Reply-to email address for auto-responder 
FormBuilderForm::responderSubject string Subject of auto-responder 
FormBuilderForm::responderTo string Field that will contain submitters email address (CSV string for multiple) 
FormBuilderForm::roles array 
(nothing)Save this form 
FormBuilderForm::saveFlags int Bitwise flags for save actions (see FormBuilderProcessor::saveFlag* constants) 
FormBuilderForm::savePageFields array 
FormBuilderForm::savePageParent int 
FormBuilderForm::savePageStatus int 
FormBuilderForm::savePageSubfields string Textarea with "form_field=page_field" or "form_field=page_field.subfield" one per line.  
FormBuilderForm::savePageTemplate int 
FormBuilderForm::set(string $key, mixed $value)
FormBuilderData FormBuilderFieldSet property value 
FormBuilderForm::setFbRender(FormBuilderRender $fbRender)
(nothing)Set the FormBuilderRender 
FormBuilderForm::setName(string $name)
FormBuilderDataSet form name 
FormBuilderForm::showNav int Use select nav above paginations? 0=off, 1=before headline, 2=after healdline, 3=after description 
FormBuilderForm::skipSessionKey bool int Disable session tracking and CSRF protection? 
FormBuilderForm::spamEntryDays int Maximum days a spam entry is allowed to be saved in the system 
FormBuilderForm::spamFlags int null Spam flags (0=none, 2=silent, 4=verbose, 8=spam entry) 
FormBuilderForm::spamWords array null 
FormBuilderForm::submitText string Default submit button text 
FormBuilderForm::successMessage string 
FormBuilderForm::target string 
FormBuilderForm::theme string 
FormBuilderForm::turingTest string 
FormBuilderForm::type string 
FormBuilderForm::useCookies bool int Remember form values in cookies? 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, FormBuilderForm also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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