FormBuilderField class

Located in file /site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilderField.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the FormBuilderField class also inherits all the methods and properties of: FormBuilderData.

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FormBuilderField::add(FormBuilderField $child)
$thisAdd a new child to this form/field 
array FormBuilderField nullCheck if field present in allFields or add field to it 
FormBuilderField::child(string $name)
FormBuilderField nullReturn the direct child given by $name 
arrayReturn array of all children
Can also be used as property: FormBuilderField::children
FormBuilderField::columnWidth int 
FormBuilderField::defaultValue string 
FormBuilderField::description string 
FormBuilderForm null@return FormBuilderForm|null 
FormBuilderField::find(string $name)
FormBuilderField nullRecursively find the field named $name (alias of getFieldByName) 
arrayGet contents of the self::$allFields property containing all addded fields at runtime 
FormBuilderField::form FormBuilderForm 
FormBuilderField::formName string 
FormBuilderField::get(string $key)
mixedGet a value from this form field 
arrayReturn an array representing this field and children (when present) 
arrayReturn a flattened (non structured) array of all children 
arrayGet default settings for a blank FormBuilderField object 
FormBuilderField::getFieldByName(string $name)
FormBuilderField nullGet a field by name, within entire form 
InputfieldGet new Inputfield for this FormBuilderField (for public API usage) 
FormBuilderField::getSetting(string $key)
mixed nullGet a setting only, no fallback to getting field by name 
FormBuilderField::head string 
FormBuilderField::label string 
FormBuilderField::level int 
FormBuilderField::name string 
FormBuilderField::notes string 
FormBuilderField::numChildren int 
FormBuilderField::parent FormBuilderField null 
FormBuilderField::prevParent FormBuilderField null Temporary property used after field is removed only 
FormBuilderData thisRemove the given child from this form/field 
FormBuilderField::required bool 
FormBuilderField::requiredIf string 
FormBuilderField::set(string $key, mixed $value)
FormBuilderData thisSet a value to the field 
FormBuilderField::setArray(array $data)
(nothing)Given an array of data, populate the data to this form field 
FormBuilderField::setName(string $name)
FormBuilderDataSet field name 
FormBuilderField::showIf string 
FormBuilderField::type string 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, FormBuilderField also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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