FormBuilderEntries class

Located in file /site/modules/FormBuilder/FormBuilderEntries.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the FormBuilderEntries class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Wire.

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FormBuilderEntries::addEntryFlag(array $entry, $flag)
arrayAdd flag to entry (in memory only) and return entry 
WireDatabasePDO@return WireDatabasePDO 
FormBuilderEntries::delete(int $id)
int boolDelete a form entry
boolDelete all entries for this form
FormBuilderEntries::deleteOlderThan(int $age)
intDelete entries older than a given number of days
FormBuilderEntries::deleted(array $entryIDs)
(nothing)Hook called after one or more entries are deleted
FormBuilderEntries::exportCSV(FormBuilderForm $form, string $selectorString)
(nothing)Works like find() except that it exports a CSV file
arrayGet an array of form entries 
FormBuilderEntries::findIdsOlderThan(int $age)
arrayFind entries older than a given number of days 
null array string intGet entry by ID or selector string 
FormBuilderEntries::getById(int $id)
bool arrayGet a form entry by ID 
FormBuilderEntries::getByName(string $name)
bool arrayGet a form entry by name 
null arrayGet a single form result array by selector string, or null if not found 
stringReturn the path that may be used by entries
FormBuilderForm@return FormBuilderForm 
intGet the current form ID 
FormBuilderEntries::getFormIdFromEntryId(Wire $wire, int $entryID)
intGet a form ID from an entry ID 
stringGet date of last entry 
(nothing)Return the total known from the last find() query 
intReturn total number of entries 
boolDoes a files path exist for form/entry? 
FormBuilderEntries::importCSV(string $filename)
arrayImport CSV file
FormBuilderEntries::isReservedProperty(string $property)
boolIs the given property name reserved for system use in entries? 
stringMake an entry string (entryStr property) 
string boolGet current MySQL version 
FormBuilderEntries::removeEntryFlag(array $entry, $flag)
arrayRemove flag to entry (in memory only) and return entry 
(nothing)Re-send (email) for the given entry ID
FormBuilderEntries::save(array $entry)
int boolSave the given entry
FormBuilderEntries::saveField(int $id, string $name, mixed $value)
boolUpdate a single form field value for an existing entry
FormBuilderEntries::validEntryName(string $name)
stringGiven an entry name, validate it, returning blank string if not valid or given entry name if valid 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, FormBuilderEntries also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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