Modules 121 to 140 of 684
- ProcessIndieAuth 0.2.2 beta by gRegor Morrill
IndieAuth: Use your domain name as an IndieAuth provider
2024/07/18 — Authentication, Process Modules1 - PageRenderFindReplace 0.0.3 beta by Teppo
Page Render Find/Replace: Apply find/replace patterns to rendered page content.
2022/07/11 — Development Tools, Proof of Concept2 - MinifyPageRender 1.0.1 beta by thausmann
This module hooks into Page::render and compresses the frontend HTML.
2022/09/09 — Markup Generation, Development Tools2 - RockLanguage 1.0.1 by bernhard
Easily manage and ship translation files for your modules
2022/06/21 — Language Modules3 - TextformatterWrapTable 1.0.1 beta by pmichaelis
Wrap Table: Wrap a container div around markup tables.
2023/01/03 — Textformatter Modules2 - FieldtypeMeasurement 0.0.22 beta by MarkE
Measurement: Field that stores values for: quantity (Temperature, Mass etc.), unit (Celsius, kilogram etc.) and magnitude (in base units and the specified units).
2024/06/11 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - DebugModeSwitch 1.0.1 by tcnet
Enables the debug mode to bypass the restriction to install modules.
2022/03/16 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept7 - AppApiPage 1.0.2 by Sebi
AppApi - Page: AppApiPage adds the /page endpoint to the AppApi routes definition. Makes it possible to query pages via the api.
2022/05/31 — Development Tools3 - site-simple-blog-multilanguage 1.0.5 by tcnet
Simple and Multilingual Blog Profile for ProcessWire 3x: This site profile for ProcessWire offers a simple, multilingual and responsive blog which does not require any module. It works exclusively with some template…
2023/12/28 — Site Profiles, Proof of Concept8 - ProcessPodcastSubscriptions 1.0.4 beta by Neue Rituale
Podcast Subscriptions: Subscribe Podcast RSS feed and save episodes as new page
2024/01/30 — Process Modules, Photo/Video/Audio1 - SelectizeAll 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Enables Selectize on all InputfieldSelect and InputfieldAsmSelect fields in the ProcessWire admin.
2023/12/20 — Admin Helpers3 - TextformatterRockHeadlineIDs 1.0.2 by bernhard
RockHeadlineIDs: Demo Textformatter
2022/01/28 — Textformatter Modules3 - TfaWebAuthn 1.0.1 alpha by Adam Blunt
WebAuthn two-factor authentication: For modern two factor authentication with U2F keys and on-device credentials like Fingerprints/Face
2024/05/20 — Users and Access, Authentication4 - ListerNativeDateFormat 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister.
2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers5 - AdminHelperLinks 1.1.8 by Richard Jedlička
Adds shortcut links to edit fields and template directly from page edit.
2023/11/13 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools15 - SelectOncePerTable 0.2.2 alpha by Robin S
Adds an option to "select" columns in a ProFields Table field so that each option can only be selected once per table.
2022/01/27 — Admin Helpers7 - PageMjmlToHtml 1.2.4 beta by EPRC
MJML to HTML: Allows you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API.
2024/04/05 — Email/WireMail, Markup Generation5 - AnonymizeFields 1.0.1 by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
Anonymize fields - DSGVO, GDPR: Clears or anonymizes fields with user identifiable data and additionally deletes all files if you selected a file field
2021/11/22 — Process Modules, Other Modules4