Lumberjack by gurumeditation02

A simple module for ProcessWire CMS that logs the IP / User Agent details of the user when the page is saved.

Lumberjack Logger Module

A simple module for ProcessWire CMS that logs the IP / User Agent details of the user when the page is saved.


Copy the Lumberjack folder to /site/modules and then refresh the modules from Admin->Modules. Lumberjack can then be installed.


Two new fields will be created when Lumberjack is installed.

  • lumb_ip_log - This field is used to store the IP
  • lumb_ua_log - This field is used to store the User Agent String

You can add both fields or just one to the required templates. Pages using those templates will then automatically store the IP and User Agent of the user when the page is saved.


Lumberjack can be disabled by unchecking the Enabled option on the settings page.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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