Markup modules that are called upon to generate or parse markup (like HTML). Markup modules are most often used on the front-end of a site (rather than admin).
Modules 61 to 80 of 102
- PageQueryBoss 0.0.6 alpha by noelboss
A ProcessWire Module to build complex nested queries containing multipple fields and pages and return an array that can be parsed to JSON. This is usefull to…
2021/06/27 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Other Modules16 - PrivacyWire 1.1.10 by Joshua
PrivacyWire Cookie Management and async asset loading: Module for Cookie management and async loading of (external) scripts / assets
2025/03/05 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility36 - ProcessDynamicSelects 0.0.5 by kongondo
Dynamic Selects: Ajax-powered dynamic dropdown lists enabling the creation of cascading/chained selects for display and storage of multiple types of data. Makes data mapping an…
2017/08/23 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules3 - ProcessMenuBuilder 0.2.7 by kongondo
Menu Builder: Easily create navigation lists/menus using drag and drop
2020/10/27 — Markup Generation, Process Modules49 - ProcessSlider 0.0.2 alpha by mauricius
Easily insert Jssor Sliders in your ProcessWire content
2015/10/18 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio4 - RockFrontend 5.1.1 by bernhard
Module for easy frontend development
2025/03/14 — Development Tools, Markup Generation13 - Sassify 0.0.6 beta by Rudy Affandi
Automatically compile Sass/SCSS/Compass in your ProcessWire templates
2018/12/11 — Development Tools, Markup Generation6 - SearchEngine 0.38.6 by Teppo
SearchEngine is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for indexing and searching site contents.
2025/03/14 — Markup Generation, Other Modules40 - SeoMaestro 1.1.1 beta by wanze
A ProcessWire module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss.
2022/06/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility50 - SimpleContactForm 1.0.7 by justb3a
Just a simple contact form for ProcessWire.
2017/11/30 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation22 - SimpleForms 0.8.1 alpha by Mike Rockett
[Archived] A simple, developer-centric form processor for ProcessWire.
2021/06/27 — Markup Generation, Other Modules0 - SmartyTemplating 1.0 beta by niutech
Smarty template engine for ProcessWire
2013/02/08 — Markup Generation, Proof of Concept7 - Spex 0.9.9 beta by jonathan-dart
Spex: An asset and template management module: An asset and template management module.
2013/10/11 — Markup Generation, Other Modules13 - TemplateEngineFactory 1.1.3 by wanze
A module integrating template engines such as Twig. It allows to render pages or individual templates via template engine and encourages to separate logic from…
2019/02/14 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules29 - TemplateEngineLatte 2.1.0 by daun
Latte templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2023/11/22 — Markup Generation, Development Tools3 - TemplateEnginePug 2.0.3 by dreerr
Pug/Jade templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2019/03/05 — Development Tools, Markup Generation5 - TemplateEngineSmarty 2.4.0 by wanze
This module adds the Smarty template engine to the TemplateEngineFactory
2022/03/31 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules3