Posts 16 to 23 of 23

ProcessWire 3.0.89 core updates — Let’s focus


This week we're back with a new dev branch version that adds a new feature we think you'll like: focus point image cropping. That's also the “focus” of this blog post. This version also includes resolutions to numerous issue reports and more. More 

FieldsetGroup module released

Wrapping up the fieldset trilogy comes part 3: Fieldset Group, which is now released. In the post we take a closer look at it and compare it to the other fieldset types. Then we wrap up with some hints about more coming up in the weeks ahead. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.73 and new Fieldset types


This post is all about fieldsets in ProcessWire. Version 3.0.73 adds some nice UI upgrades when it comes to working with them. Plus we cover two new modules we have in development for managing groups of fields in fieldsets. More 

ProcessWire updates and new field types


This week we've got a new multi-language email field, a tutorial on how to use file/image files as multi-language fields, plus we introduce a new and unique ProFields module that's in the works. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.65 core updates


This week’s core version on the dev branch includes a lot of small fixes and improvements. We’ve also got a new multi-language URL field available this week as well. More 

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