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ProcessWire 3.0.213 core updates


This week we’ll look at the new WireSitemapXML module, a new WireNumberTools core class, and a new ability for Fieldtype modules to specify useful ready-to-use configurations when creating new fields. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.190 core updates

ProcessWire 3.0.190 has 15 commits relative to 3.0.189 and contains a mixture of issue resolutions and feature additions. This post covers them all, in addition to updates for the PageAutosave and ProFields Table modules. More 

New User Activity module

This week we’ll take a quick break from core updates and have a look at a new module called UserActivity, just added to the ProcessWire ProDevTools package. It’s been a holiday week here in the U.S. (Thanksgiving) and the family is home, so there’s not much work getting done this week. Since I… More 

Latest news

  • ProcessWire Weekly #532
    In the 532nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll cover the latest core updates, check out a couple of brand-new third party modules, and more. Read on! / 20 July 2024
  • Page List Custom Children module
    This simple module gives you the ability to customize the parent/child relationship as it appears in the admin page list, enabling child pages to appear under more than one parent.
    Blog / 28 June 2024
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