AutoLinks (automatic links)

This Textformatter module automatically links your specified phrases/words to your specified URLs. A useful tool for creating automatic contextual links with little effort.

If there are pages that you commonly link to in your site from your textarea/rich text fields, then this Textformatter can save you a lot of effort, automatically linking to those URLs. Furthermore, contextual links of this sort are also considered especially valuable from an SEO context. Because this module is a Textformatter module, the work it does happens at runtime. That means that this module can easily be applied to existing sites.


We'll use as an example. Throughout, we routinely use the terms "API", "selector", "template", "template file", "$page", "$pages" and more. In the past, I've spent a lot of time in TinyMCE manually linking these terms to the appropriate pages, as it is a helpful cross-reference for users. For example, when the term "API" appears, I want to automatically link to the API Cheatsheet page at

With the Auto Links Textformatter module, I can now automatically link to all my important terms from all existing and future body copy. If one of those links happens to change in the future, no problem, as I only have to update it in one place. The benefits here are a real win-win for the users of, myself (in time savings) and our performance with search engines that analyze these contextual links. We hope that you find Auto Links to be a benefit to your site(s) and time saver for you and/or your site editors.

More about Auto Links and download links can be found in the modules directory here: Auto Links

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“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.