ProcessWire Pro Development Tools

ProDevTools is a powerful set of tools for web developers that enable your company to deliver a better, faster and stronger product. The flagship is ProfilerPro which helps you to profile and optimize your code.

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What’s in ProDevTools?

  • ProcessWire ProfilerPro

    ProfilerPro is a tool and service for ProcessWire that helps you take performance to the next level by profiling and reporting on all the important events in ProcessWire. Part of the ProDevTools set of commercial modules.
  • ProcessWire User Activity

    The UserActivity module keeps track of what all logged-in users are doing on the website or application. One of the primary goals is to prevent page edit collisions so that one user does not interfere with another’s page edits.
  • ProcessWire API Explorer

    A comprehensive ProcessWire reference that’s always up-to-date, easy-to-use and ready when you are. Part of the ProDevTools set of commercial modules.
  • ProcessWire Sitemap XML

    Turn-key ProcessWire module for easily configuring and rendering sitemap.xml output.
  • ProcessWire Request Blocker

    Helps to prevent scanners and bots from consuming too much of the server’s resources by automatically blocking their IPs when specific patterns are detected.
  • Form Saver/Reminder

    Automatically saves front-end forms before they are submitted. Ensures users don't lose their entered form data, even if they take a break or switch devices. This module will also send 1-2 reminder emails to the user to finish their form.
  • Page Auto Save and Live Preview

    This module enables automatic save and live preview features in the ProcessWire page editor.

“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.