Page List Select module
Selection of a single page from a ProcessWire page tree list
Page List Select Multiple module
Selection of multiple pages from a ProcessWire page tree list
Page Sort and Move module
Handles page sorting and moving for PageList
Page List module
List pages in a hierarchical tree structure
Lister module
Admin tool for finding and listing pages by any property.
pageList($key = '', $value = null) apivar.method
InputfieldPageListSelect::renderReady($parent = null, $renderValueMode = false) module.method
Method called right before Inputfield markup is rendered, so that any dependencies can be loaded as well.
InputfieldPageListSelect::render() module.method
Render the HTML input element(s) markup, ready for insertion in an HTML form.
InputfieldPageListSelect::renderValue() module.method
Render just the value (not input) in text/markup for presentation purposes.
InputfieldPageListSelect::processInput($input) module.method
Process input for this Inputfield directly from the POST (or GET) variables
InputfieldPageListSelect::setAttribute($key, $value) module.method
InputfieldPageListSelect::isEmpty() module.method
Is this Inputfield empty? (Value attribute reflects an empty state)
InputfieldPageListSelect::pageListReady(string $name, string $labelFieldName) module.method
Render ready
InputfieldPageListSelect::renderMarkupValue($value) module.method
Render markup value for PageListSelect/PageListSelectMultiple
InputfieldPageListSelect::getPageLabel(Page $page) module.method
Get label to represent given $page
InputfieldPageListSelect::renderParentError() module.method
@return string
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::renderReady($parent = null, $renderValueMode = false) module.method
Method called right before Inputfield markup is rendered, so that any dependencies can be loaded as well.
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::render() module.method
Render the HTML input element(s) markup, ready for insertion in an HTML form.
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::renderValue() module.method
Render just the value (not input) in text/markup for presentation purposes.
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::processInput(WireInputData $input) module.method
Convert the CSV string provide in the $input to an array of ints needed for this fieldtype
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::pageListReady(string $name, string $labelFieldName) module.method
Render ready
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::renderMarkupValue($value) module.method
Render markup value for PageListSelect/PageListSelectMultiple
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::getPageLabel(Page $page) module.method
Get label to represent given $page
InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple::renderParentError() module.method
@return string
ProcessPageList::execute() module.method
Execute the Page List