Process modules are apps that run in the ProcessWire admin.
Modules 1 to 20 of 79
- ProcessTextSynthesis 1.0.2 beta by Neue Rituale
Text Synthesis: Syntheses text fields with the Google Cloud Api Text2Speech
2024/12/16 — Process Modules, SEO/Accessibility1 - ProcessRenderFile 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Render File: A Process module that renders markup from files.
2024/08/26 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers3 - VerifyLinks 0.3.3 beta by Robin S
Periodically verifies that external links are working and not leading to an error page.
2024/10/03 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules5 - ProcessDbMigrate 2.0.25 alpha by MarkE
Database Migrations: Manage migrations via the PW GUI
2024/11/27 — Development Tools, Process Modules5 - ProcessCronJobs 0.9.1 beta by Neue Rituale
Manages the execution of CronJobs
2024/07/12 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers3 - ProcessPageRedirects 2.0.4 by NB Communication
Page Redirects: Provides a interface for viewing and managing redirects for all page editors.
2023/08/24 — Process Modules2 - ProcessLanguageFieldExportImport 0.1.0 beta by Ryan Cramer
Multi-language field export/import: Enables JSON or CSV export and import of multi-language field translations on pages.
2022/08/05 — Language Modules, Process Modules3 - ProcessIndieAuth 0.2.2 beta by gRegor Morrill
IndieAuth: Use your domain name as an IndieAuth provider
2024/07/18 — Authentication, Process Modules1 - ProcessPodcastSubscriptions 1.0.4 beta by Neue Rituale
Podcast Subscriptions: Subscribe Podcast RSS feed and save episodes as new page
2024/01/30 — Process Modules, Photo/Video/Audio1 - AnonymizeFields 1.0.1 by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
Anonymize fields - DSGVO, GDPR: Clears or anonymizes fields with user identifiable data and additionally deletes all files if you selected a file field
2021/11/22 — Process Modules, Other Modules4 - WayFathomAnalytics 0.0.3 beta by Craig Rodway
Fathom Analytics for ProcessWire. Display your Fathom dashboard in the PW admin panel and easily generate markup for the tracking code.
2024/05/03 — Logs/Monitoring, Markup Generation, Process Modules2 - FlowtiAppPerformance 0.1.1 beta by luis85
Flowti Site Admin Module Profiler: A small ProcessWire module to track a sites admin modules
2021/06/27 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules1 - ModulesManager2 2.0.103 beta by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
Easily download, install, update, uninstall and configure ProcessWire modules
2020/06/26 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules3 - ProcessCacheControl 1.1.1 by MoritzLost
Cache Control: Adds an entry to the setup menu to clear all caches. Provides an API to add cache management actions and an interface to execute them.
2023/09/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Process Modules3 - ProcessDashboardTasks 0.0.1 beta by monchu
DashboardTasks: MD Collabs Processwire Module
2019/07/13 — Process Modules, Proof of Concept, Other Modules, Users and Access0 - ProcessAssetsBackups 0.9.1 alpha by jaromic
Assets Backups: Create and/or restore assets backups from ProcessWire admin.
2019/04/29 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules1