Posts 1 to 4 of 4

ProcessWire 3.0.200 new master/main version


This new main/master version has more than 220 commits, resolves more than 80 issues, adds numerous new features, performance improvements and optimizations, and consumes HALF the disk space of our previous release. This post covers all the details. More 

New Repeater and Repeater Matrix features


This week we have some very useful new additions to both the core Repeater Fieldtype and the ProFields Repeater Matrix Fieldtype. This post covers all the details along with a couple of brief demonstration videos.  More 

Lots of module updates


In this post we take a quick look at the new version of ProFields Repeater Matrix, yet another new version of FormBuilder, and a new version of the GoogleClientAPI module. More 

“I am currently managing a ProcessWire site with 2 million+ pages. It’s admirably fast, and much, much faster than any other CMS we tested.” —Nickie, Web developer