ProcessPageLister::removeBlankSelectors(string $selector) module.method
Remove blank items like "template=, " from the selector string
ProcessPageLister::executeReset() module.method
Execute the reset action, which resets columns, filters, and anything else stored in the session
ProcessPageLister::resetLister() module.method
Reset all Lister settings so it is starting from a blank state
ProcessPageLister::execute() module.method
Execute the main Lister action, which is to render the Lister
ProcessPageLister::renderExtras() module.method
Render additional tabs, setup so that descending classes can use as a template method
ProcessPageLister::renderedExtras(string $markup) module.method
Called when extra tabs markup has been rendered
ProcessPageLister::prepareExternalAssets() module.method
Prepare the session values for external assets
ProcessPageLister::renderExternalAssets() module.method
Return a markup string with scripts that load external assets for an ajax request
ProcessPageLister::getBookmarksInstance() module.method
Get an instance of ProcessPageListerBookmarks
ProcessPageLister::executeEditBookmark() module.method
Implementation for ./edit-bookmark/ URL segment
ProcessPageLister::executeUnknown() module.method
Catch-all for bookmarks
ProcessPageLister::executeNavJSON(array $options = []) module.method
Output JSON list of navigation items for this module's bookmarks
buildListerTableColActions(Page $p, $value) module.method
renderResults($selector = null) module.method
findResults($selector) module.method
executeViewport() module.method
executeConfig() module.method
executeActions() module.method
executeSave() module.method