Pages Export/Import module
Enables exporting and importing of pages. Development version, not yet recommended for production use.
$forms->exportJSON($form) apivar.method
Return the JSON schema for the given form ID
$fieldgroups->getExportData(Fieldgroup $fieldgroup) apivar.method
Export config data for the given fieldgroup
$fieldgroups->setImportData(Fieldgroup $fieldgroup, array $data) apivar.method
Given an export data array, import it back to the class and return what happened
$templates->getExportData(Template $template) apivar.method
Export Template data for external use
$templates->setImportData(Template $template, array $data) apivar.method
Given an array of Template export data, import it to the given Template
Fieldtype::exportConfigData(Field $field, array $data) class.method
Export configuration values for external consumption
Fieldtype::importConfigData(Field $field, array $data) class.method
Convert an array of exported data to a format that will be understood internally
Fieldtype::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value, array $options = []) class.method
Given a value, return an portable version of it as either a string, int, float or array
$backup->backup(array $options = []) class.method
Perform a database export/dump
FieldtypeTextarea::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export value
FieldtypeComments::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export value
FieldtypeOptions::exportConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Export configuration values for external consumption
FieldtypeOptions::importConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Convert an array of exported data to a format that will be understood internally (opposite of exportConfigData)
FieldtypeFile::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export value
FieldtypeRepeater::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, RepeaterPageArray $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export repeater value
FieldtypeRepeater::importValue(Page $page, Field $field, array $value, array $options = []) module.method
Import repeater value previously exported by exportValue()
FieldtypeRepeater::exportConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Export configuration values for external consumption
FieldtypeRepeater::importConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Convert an array of exported data to a format that will be understood internally
FieldtypeImage::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export a Pageimages value to a portable PHP array
FieldtypeDatetime::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, int $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export value
FieldtypePage::exportValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value, array $options = []) module.method
Export value
FieldtypePage::exportConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Export configuration values for external consumption
FieldtypePage::importConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Convert an array of exported data to a format that will be understood internally
FieldtypeText::importConfigData(Field $field, array $data) module.method
Convert an array of exported data to a format that will be understood internally