ProcessWire 3.0.60 core updates and more

ProcessWire 3.0.60

Version 3.0.60 is likely to be our next master version. We've not merged it to the master branch just yet, as we'd like to give it a few days on our dev branch to be sure. It's more than 150 commits ahead of the existing master version, 3.0.42. There's a lot here–practically a major version–and we'll be covering it all hopefully next week. If you can, please download it, give it a try and let us know (either here or on GitHub) if you run into any major issues upgrading from any previous master version.

Relative to last weeks version 3.0.59, version 3.0.60 contains some minor bug fixes, improves code documentation in several classes, and updates the HTML Purifier version to the latest.

ProcessWire API reference upgrades

This week we pushed out a new version of our official ProcessWire API reference. This version makes significant improvements to our on-site documentation, relative to the previous:

  • Broader coverage which now includes more core classes.
  • In method lists: ability to turn on/off variables, required arguments, or all arguments.
  • Upgrades to Prism for code syntax highlighting, which provides a much nicer experience.
  • Improved meta data for search indexing via Google and such.
  • API reference now covers ProcessWire version 3.0.60.
  • Several other minor upgrades and optimizations.

The ProcessWire API reference is powered by the ProcessWire API Explorer module, which is part of the ProDevTools set of modules (available in the store). If you like what you see in our API reference and you'd like to support our documentation project, have your own built-in API reference that covers more classes (relative to the online version), and have documentation that is always matched to your ProcessWire version, the ProcessWire API Explorer module is a worthwhile addition to your toolset.

With the API reference now up-to-date, we'll soon be looking at the cheatsheet and hopefully updating that to pull data from the API Explorer module as well.

Pro module updates

Last week we posted updates for FormBuilder, ListerPro, RepeaterMatrix, Textareas and Multiplier. This week we've also got updates in place for these modules:

See the change log included with each module for details on what's new. For the most part these are maintenance releases that don't add major new features, but do improve stability relative to previous versions. Stay tuned for more ProcessWire module updates.

Not a Pro module, but the AdminThemeUikit module was also updated to version 8 this week. This version updates the Uikit version to beta 20 and fixes some minor Inputfield display issues.

Thanks for reading! Hope that you have a good weekend, and be sure to read the ProcessWire Weekly tomorrow as well.


  • Ryan


    • 8 years ago
    • 00

    This is now updated.

  • Werner Pilnei

    Werner Pilnei

    • 8 years ago
    • 00

    Upgraded from 3.0.42 to 3.0.60, running ProCache , got this alert:

    In ProCache -> Bypass the field 'Cookies that bypass the cache' is set to wire_challenge

  • Ryan


    • 8 years ago
    • 00

    The AdminThemeUikit module isn't yet compatible with SystemNotifications. I've been meaning to work on this but haven't gotten to it yet. This likely won't be in the master, but should arrive on the dev branch soon.

  • ryan


    • 8 years ago
    • 10

    I think your alert text didn't come through. But if it's what I think it is, it's a normal ProCache message. It just indicates that that you may benefit from updating your "cookies that bypass the cache" setting to the one that it suggests. Grab the latest ProCache version too, if you haven't recently.

  • Brendon Kozlowski

    Brendon Kozlowski

    • 8 years ago
    • 10

    Seriously looking forward to updates to the cheatsheet! That would be a lovely update - I absolutely love the cheatsheet! All great updates, of course, and awesome news all around.

  • ukyo


    • 8 years ago
    • 20

    Before merge dev with master repo, can you update FontAwesome icons, I made a request on 1 Feb about updating icon list. In this request you can find all icon list.

    • John Stephens

      John Stephens

      • 8 years ago
      • 10

      Awesome! I do have a (tiny) bug to report, and not sure where it belongs: I just upgraded a site from 3.0.42 Master to 3.0.60, and everything went perfectly. I then downloaded the AdminThemeUIKit to try it out, and installed that too.

      AdminThemeUIKit is even better "in person" than all the screenshot and video demos, but it the core SystemNotifications module (flagged as "in development") broke in the new theme—it displays an unstyled number next to a spinner graphic at the bottom of the [header] element. Switching back to the default or Reno themes gets it working again, and uninstalling SystemNotifications brings normal notifications to the UIKit theme.

      Anyway, that's not exactly a catastrophe, and everything else works perfectly. Great work!


      NextProcessWire 3.0.61 master


      This week we've merged the dev branch to the master branch for ProcessWire version 3.0.61 master. This replaces the existing master version 3.0.42. There is quite a lot in this new version and we'll cover much of it here in this post. More 

      I just love the easy and intuitive ProcessWire API. ProcessWire rocks!” —Jens Martsch, Web developer