Blog results for “markdown”

Matches 1 to 8 of 8

  • ProcessWire 2.6.19 plus guide to optional core modules 9 years ago

    ProcessWire 2.6.19 contains numerous updates working towards PW 2.7. This post also contains a comprehensive overview of optional (uninstalled) core modules, some of which you may want to install!

  • ProcessWire core and ProFields updates (2.5.22) 10 years ago

    Image caption support in the rich text editor. Upload support now provided in image selection window. Major upgrade to ProFields Textareas fieldtype. Markdown Textformatter module now with Parsedown support. And more.

  • Output formatting in ProcessWire 1 year ago

    Pages have fields, fields have values, and those values can be either formatted or unformatted in ProcessWire. This post tells you everything you need to know about output formatting and how to use it to your benefit.

  • A look at FormBuilder v34 6 years ago

    This week we take a look at what’s new in the latest version of ProcessWire FormBuilder, followed by a how-to guide and reference for using hooks to intercept and customize form rendering, processing, validation and more.

  • ProcessWire 2.6 is here! 9 years ago

    Today I’m proud to announce that ProcessWire 2.6 has been officially released. After 30 releases of our dev branch over 7 months, we are now at our most solid version ever: ProcessWire 2.6.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.16 continues expanding documentation and more 8 years ago

    The ProcessWire 3.x API reference documentation continued to expand this week with major updates and more than 20 new core classes getting comprehensive coverage.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.210 new main/master version 2 years ago

    140 commits, 55 resolved issues, dozens of new features, eight contributors, and five new pull requests make yet another great new version of ProcessWire.

Latest news

  • ProcessWire Weekly #541
    In the 541st issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll share the latest core development news, check out a new module called Search Corrections, and more. Read on! / 21 September 2024
  • Custom Fields Module
    This week we look at a new ProFields module named Custom Fields. This module provides a way to rapidly build out ProcessWire fields that contain any number of subfields/properties within them.
    Blog / 30 August 2024
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“We chose ProcessWire because of its excellent architecture, modular extensibility and the internal API. The CMS offers the necessary flexibility and performance for such a complex website like ProcessWire offers options that are only available for larger systems, such as Drupal, and allows a much slimmer development process.” —xport communication GmbH