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Markdown/Parsedown Extra module
Markdown/Parsedown extra lightweight markup language by Emanuil Rusev. Based on Markdown by John Gruber.
HTML Entity Encoder (htmlspecialchars) module
Entity encode ampersands, quotes (single and double) and greater-than/less-than signs using htmlspecialchars(str, ENT_QUOTES). It is recommended that you use this on all text/textarea fields except those using a rich text editor or a markup language like Markdown.
$sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown(string $str, $options = []) apivar.method
Entity encode while translating some markdown tags to HTML equivalents
Inputfield::entityEncode(string $str, $markdown = false) class.method
Entity encode a string with optional Markdown support.
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::format($str) module.method
Format the given text string, outside of specific Page or Field context.
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::formatValue($page, $field, $value) module.method
Format the given text string with Page and Field provided.
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::safeMode($safeMode = null) module.method
Get or set safe mode
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::markdown($str, $flavor = null, $safeMode = null) module.method
Given a string, return a version processed with markdown
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::markdownSafe($str, int $flavor = 0) module.method
Given a string, return a version processed with markdown in safe mode
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::getParsedown($flavor = null) module.method
@param int|null $flavor
TextformatterMarkdownExtra::markdownExtensions(string $str) module.method
A few RCD extentions to MarkDown syntax, to be executed after Markdown has already had it's way with the text
ProcessModule::executeReadme() module.method
Execute view of supported README type markdown or txt file
InputfieldSimpleMDE macrura
SimpleMDE Markdown Editor for Processwire
InputfieldImageMarkdownCodeAdditionalFields clsource
Adds information to image fields. Helpful when using the markdown editor in text fields.
CopyMarkdown Robin S
Adds icons to images and files that allow you to copy a Markdown string to the clipboard. When you click the icon a message at the top left of the screen notifies you that the copying has occurred.
TextformatterMarkdownInMarkup Ryan Cramer
Enables markdown to be used in existing markup/HTML like that from CKEditor.
ProcessWire 2.6.19 plus guide to optional core modules 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.19 contains numerous updates working towards PW 2.7. This post also contains a comprehensive overview of optional (uninstalled) core modules, some of which you may want to install!
ProcessWire core and ProFields updates (2.5.22) 10 years ago
Image caption support in the rich text editor. Upload support now provided in image selection window. Major upgrade to ProFields Textareas fieldtype. Markdown Textformatter module now with Parsedown support. And more.
Output formatting in ProcessWire 1 year ago
Pages have fields, fields have values, and those values can be either formatted or unformatted in ProcessWire. This post tells you everything you need to know about output formatting and how to use it to your benefit.
A look at FormBuilder v34 6 years ago
This week we take a look at what’s new in the latest version of ProcessWire FormBuilder, followed by a how-to guide and reference for using hooks to intercept and customize form rendering, processing, validation and more.
ProcessWire 2.6 is here! 10 years ago
Today I’m proud to announce that ProcessWire 2.6 has been officially released. After 30 releases of our dev branch over 7 months, we are now at our most solid version ever: ProcessWire 2.6.
ProcessWire 3.0.16 continues expanding documentation and more 9 years ago
The ProcessWire 3.x API reference documentation continued to expand this week with major updates and more than 20 new core classes getting comprehensive coverage.
ProcessWire 3.0.125 core updates 6 years ago
ProcessWire 3.0.210 new main/master version 2 years ago
140 commits, 55 resolved issues, dozens of new features, eight contributors, and five new pull requests make yet another great new version of ProcessWire.
Textarea Docs
The Textarea Fieldtype is designed to hold any amount of text. Typically Textarea is used for multi-line text values. It is also used for rich text (CKEditor) fields.