All results for “files”

Search results summary

  • API

  • $files apivar

    Helpers for working with files and directories.

  • wireCopy(string $src, string $dst, $Array = true) function

    Copy all files recursively from one directory to another

  • wireZipFile(string $zipfile, $files, array $options = array) function

    Create a ZIP file from given files

  • wireTempDir($name, $options = array) function

    Return a new temporary directory/path ready to use for files

  • files() function

    Access tools for working on the file system ($files API variable as a function)

  • Pagefiles class

    Pagefiles is a type of WireArray that contains Pagefile objects. It also acts as the value for multi-file fields in ProcessWire.

  • PagefilesManager class

    Manages files and file directories for a page independent of a particular field.

  • WireHttp class

    WireHttp enables you to send HTTP requests to URLs, download files, and more.

  • Files module

    One or more file uploads (sortable)

  • Files module

    Field that stores one or more files

  • files() apivar.method

    Access the $files API variable as a function.

  • $classLoader->addExtension(string $ext) apivar.method

    Add a recognized file extension for PHP files

  • $log->deleteAll(bool $throw = false) apivar.method

    Delete all log files

  • $log->pruneAll(int $days) apivar.method

    Prune all log files to given number of days

  • $log->path() apivar.method

    Return disk path to log files

  • $files->mkdir(string $path, $recursive = false, $chmod = null) apivar.method

    Create a directory that is writable to ProcessWire and uses the defined $config chmod settings

  • $files->rmdir(string $path, bool $recursive = false, $options = []) apivar.method

    Remove a directory and optionally everything within it (recursively)

  • $files->chmod(string $path, $recursive = false, $chmod = null) apivar.method

    Change the read/write mode of a file or directory, consistent with ProcessWire's configuration settings

  • $files->copy(string $src, string $dst, $options = []) apivar.method

    Copy all files recursively from one directory ($src) to another directory ($dst)

  • $files->unlink(string $filename, $limitPath = false, bool $throw = false) apivar.method

    Unlink/delete file with additional protections relative to PHP unlink()

  • $files->rename(string $oldName, string $newName, $options = []) apivar.method

    Rename a file or directory and update permissions

  • $files->renameCopy(string $oldName, string $newName, array $options = []) apivar.method

    Rename by first copying files to destination and then deleting source files

  • $files->exists(string $filename, $options = '') apivar.method

    Does the given file/link/dir exist?

  • $files->size(string $path, $options = []) apivar.method

    Get size of file or directory (in bytes)

  • 101+ more
  • Pro Modules

  • Functional Fields ryan

    This Fieldtype module lets you make text translatable in your template files, much in the same way that you do with multi-language support in ProcessWire.

  • Modules

  • ImportPagesCSV Ryan Cramer

    Enables you to import CSV files to create pages.

  • LocalAudioFiles Horst Nogajski

    The Local Audio Files DB is a combination of a Module and a SiteProfile. It is intended to import MP3-files from your filesystem into ProcessWire, read ID3-Tags and pull coverImages from it to feed the DB.

  • AmazonS3Cloudfront nmendes

    Sync and Backup page assets uploaded into PW to Amazon S3 and Deliver them via Amazon Cloudfront

  • AdminCustomFiles martijn-geerts

    Add custom scripts & styles to the admin with optional dependencies

  • AlternativeGridFiles blad

    This module shows an alternative view in file fields. Icons, columns, etc.

  • FileValidatorSvgSanitizer Ryan Cramer

    Validates and/or sanitizes SVG files.

  • CkeLinkFiles Robin S

    Adds a menu to CKEditor to allow the quick insertion of links to files.

  • FilesRenameReplace Robin S

    Allows files to be renamed or replaced in Page Edit.

  • WireCacheFilesystem Ryan Cramer

    ProcessWire WireCache module that replaces the default cache handler with a file system based cache.

  • Blog

  • ProcessWire 3.0.142 core updates (custom fields for files/images) 5 years ago

    This latest version of the core on the dev branch has a lot of updates, and the biggest is the addition of custom fields support for file and image fields. In this post, we take a closer look and also outline all of the new features in the just-released FormBuilder v40.

  • New modules, file validation, and great websites 5 years ago

    A look at two new modules released this week: LoginRegisterPro and FileValidatorImage. Discussion on upcoming plans for new FileValidator modules and how they are useful in PW. Plus a brief highlight of two great new ProcessWire-powered websites: Aaron Copland (an American composer) and Sono Motors (an EV startup).

  • ProcessWire 3.0.49 introduces a new template file strategy 8 years ago

    This week we take a look at a new template file output strategy available in ProcessWire 3.0.49+. This strategy is an experimental but super-simple new alternative to direct output and delayed output, and in some ways a combination of both. Yet it's likely to be more accessible for front-end developers and newcomers to ProcessWire, without any sacrifices. Have a read and let us know what you think.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.67 – Upgraded file and image tags 8 years ago

    This week's version includes some really helpful UI updates to the tags feature available in our File and Image fields. Read on for all the details.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.14 updates file compiler, fields and more 9 years ago

    Getting closer to the ProcessWire 3.x stable release, version 3.0.14 focuses largely on updates and optimizations specific to recent GitHub issue reports. We also have optimizations and in-depth coverage of PW's file compiler, some new options for required fields, along with a review of some best practices when working with fields.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.76, a new front-end account module and much more 7 years ago

    This week we've got a new core version, a new version of the Uikit 3 admin theme, a new version of ProCache with SCSS and LESS support, plus a brand new module that provides user login, new user registration and a user profile editor, all for the front-end of your site.

  • Permissions part 2: access control for languages and more special permissions (2.6.3) 10 years ago

    This week we added yet more field permission control–this time limiting edit access to fields by language. We also added a new page-rename permission. While we're at it, this post also describes the other special permissions you can use: page-publish and page-edit-created.

  • ProcessWire 2.6.12 core updates, updates to several Pro modules and more 10 years ago

    Continued improvements to AJAX editing in ProcessWire, plus a new Pages > Add New menu and landing page. We also have new versions of all ProFields modules, new version of ListerPro and more.

  • ProcessWire 2.6.15 makes the permissions system a whole lot better 9 years ago

    The focus of this week has been on ProcessWire's permissions system. We've taken what we already had, and made it simpler, more powerful, and more flexible.

  • New ajax-driven inputs, conditional hooks, template family settings and more 10 years ago

    Major updates to the core dev branch this week, including system-wide support for AJAX-driven Inputfields, support for conditional hooks, some very useful updates to the Template editor, improvements to our autocomplete field, a new version of CKEditor, upgrades to AdminThemeReno and more!

  • New user-admin permissions, automatic version change detection, and more (2.6.10) 10 years ago

    ProcessWire 2.6.10 brings new granular support of user-admin permissions, auto-detection with cache-clearing following core version changes, improved permissions view, and support for re-labeling the page "name" field.

  • Front-end editing now in ProcessWire 3.0 alpha-4 9 years ago

    This week we've got front-end editing now available for download and testing in version 3.0.1, aka alpha-4. We've also taken them quite a bit farther than what was introduced last week, and this post will be focused on covering all that you can do with it and how to use them.

  • ProcessWire 2.6.9 core updates, new ProCache version, and more 10 years ago

    ProcessWire 2.6.9 brings a useful new API method, more control over slashes in URLs, and more. This week we also released a new version of ProCache and this post goes into detail about all that it does.

  • A preview of coming attractions to ProcessWire’s image fields 9 years ago

    This week we have a guest post from Tom Reno (renobird) showing us some redesign work he is doing for our images field in ProcessWire.

  • Quality assurance for images in rich text fields 10 years ago

    Introduces the new "Markup/HTML with image management" content type option for textarea fields.

  • Field permissions, overrides and more (2.6.2) 10 years ago

    ProcessWire 2.6.1 was made the new master and 2.6.2 was pushed to the dev branch with all new field level access control and overrides support!

  • Custom Fields Module 6 months ago

    This week we look at a new ProFields module named Custom Fields. This module provides a way to rapidly build out ProcessWire fields that contain any number of subfields/properties within them.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.18 brings yet more images field upgrades! 9 years ago

    ProcessWire 3.0.18 continues from last week, making major upgrades to our images field. This week we got into some of the finer details, and we've got plenty for you to look at here, as well as a screencast to demonstrate it all. 

  • Building custom admin pages with Process modules 7 years ago

    A tutorial on building custom admin pages in ProcessWire with Process modules, by Bernhard Baumrock.

  • Extra action in your Page List (core updates 2.6.5) 10 years ago

    Now you can get extra action(s) in the Page List and Lister. Plus a new inline copy/clone feature, new restore from trash feature, the ability to specify page list label formats, and more.

  • ProcessWire 2.6.7 core updates and more 10 years ago

    This week we introduced new standardized include/hook files that make a lot of tasks easier, less ambiguous and more efficient when developing sites and applications in ProcessWire. We also released yet another new version of ListerPro that take editable columns even further. In addition, ProcessWire 2.6.7 includes updates from numerous GitHub reports and PRs.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.58 core updates and more 8 years ago

    This week we have a new core version on the dev branch with several tweaks and PRs. Work also continues on the Uikit admin theme framework, and more.

  • ProcessWire 3.0.60 core updates and more 8 years ago

    This week we have ProcessWire 3.0.60, which is likely to be our next master version. We've also got a few more Pro module updates, as well as a major update to our online API reference.

  • ProcessWire core updates (2.6.1) and more 10 years ago

    ProcessWire 2.6.1 brings a page editor that now reminds you to save, and Process modules now support external view files. In addition, we updated the "Hello World" modules for PW 2.6, and put together a mini tutorial on how to create really simple short links.

  • 242+ more
  • General

  • Remove unnecessary files Docs

    ProcessWire comes with several files that you will no longer need after installation.

  • How to structure your template files Docs

    How to use some of the more common strategies used by developers in structuring template files. Includes pros and cons as well as extensive examples. By Ryan Cramer.

  • 3rd party files About

    Third party files may in ProcessWire may specify their own license. This page contains more details.

  • Template files Docs

    While ProcessWire handles a lot of the common security considerations before your template files are even loaded, you should also follow security best practices within your template files as you would in any other PHP framework.

  • Template files Docs

    Every time a page is loaded on your site, ProcessWire loads its template file, gives it content, and then runs it as a PHP script. This section covers the use of template files and serves as an introduction to using ProcessWire’s API.

  • Front-end file uploads Shop

    The InputfieldFrontendFile module provides file and image fields that can be used on the front-end of a website with LoginRegisterPro. It works with ProcessWire’s existing file and image fields as a drop-in replacement that applies itself automatically. It is specifically designed for the safety considerations of a front-end, non-admin environment. 

  • Securing file permissions Docs

    Getting your file permissions right is one of the most important factors in maintaining the security of your ProcessWire installation, particularly in non-dedicated/shared environments.

  • File system Docs

    An outline of ProcessWire’s file and directory structure, highlighting the locations where your site’s files go, where the core files live, where to place modules, and more.

  • Securing your admin Docs

    Information about the design and purpose of the admin environment and how to protect it. Overview of securing your admin, preventing attacks, SSL certificates, tracking logins, enabling 2FA, managing page edit access and other security best practices.

  • Third-party modules Docs

    The ProcessWire modules directory contains hundreds of useful third-party modules that you can download and/or directly install into ProcessWire.

  • Third party modules Docs

    We can vouch for the security of the code that we write in the ProcessWire core, but we can't vouch for the security of third party modules. Follow these guidelines to maximize your security with third party modules.

  • Front-end editing Docs

    Edit pages on the front-end of your site with the core PageFrontEdit module.

  • Front-end Docs

    Topics on using the ProcessWire API to render output on the front-end of your site with your template files.

  • Extending the ProcessWire Admin Using Custom Modules Docs

    In this tutorial we’re going to look into extending ProcessWire’s admin using custom modules. With three example modules I will give you small a taste of the power ProcessWire modules have for adding new functionality to the admin. By Ben Byford.

  • Structure Docs

    Overview of ProcessWire’s structure in terms of pages, templates and fields. And an outline of the directory structure.

  • Creating my book websites with ProcessWire About

    Now, a lot of people say a lot of good things about PW, and they are all completely right. It is powerful, the API is deep, clever and sensible and the back end is rock solid. But that was not what attracted me to the system.

  • 4 Reasons to Choose ProcessWire as Your Next CMS About

    Envato Tuts+ article and fantastic introduction by Francesco Schwarz

  • Using custom page types in ProcessWire Docs

    A look at some lesser known advanced techniques that enable you to introduce new conveniences by creating custom page types. An advanced tutorial by Benjamin Milde.

  • Images Docs

    This page outlines using and manipulating image fields — one of the most commonly used in ProcessWire.

  • Add multi-language translations to your module Docs

    If you are a module developer, you might want to bundle multi-language translations with your module. This page covers all the details step-by-step.

  • Permissions Docs

    Permissions represent a granular permission to access something or to perform some action. This page outlines permissions recognized by the core.

  • 50+ more
  • Showcase

  • First Processwire Work Blog Leonard Quist

    Made the switch! Processwire for my personal blog.

  • Independent Electrical Contractors of New England Solution Innovators / thetuningspoon

    IEC-NE is the region’s premier trade association representing Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island independent electrical and systems contractors. The responsive IEC website features a custom-built membership and event registration system and a back-end CRM system built entirely on ProcessWire pages and ListerPro, making for a totally seamless integration between the organization's website and customer database.

  • Meridian Custom Textiles Meridian GbR

    Business producing custom-tailored textiles and textile finishing. Also offering services for designing websites and print works.

  • Roger Shapiro Fund for New Music Macrura

    Established by composer/pianist Dina Koston, who named the fund after her husband, psychiatrist Roger Shapiro, the Roger Shapiro Fund is a new fund for commissioning, performance and recording of New Music.

  • Orpot Web Design and Development Orpot

    We are a group of professionals who together have more than 20 years of experience in the design and development of websites, we have worked in various agencies and gained experience to offer our services. We use diverse technologies to achieve attractive and functional sites. We currently offer our services to clients from all over Mexico, USA and Canada.

  • Carneros Resort and Spa Zambezi Search Marketing, LLC

    Luxury resort in Napa Valley.

  • Glenroy and Associates Limited Glenroy and Associates Tech Team

    Glenroy and Associates provide consultancy services, personal and business development strategies, mechanical and process engineering and more to public and private organizations at the national, regional and global entities.

  • Association and Foundation for Indigenous Communities in Paraguay Patrick Zenhäusern

    Association and Foundation for Indigenous Communities in Paraguay. Our foundation and associations are committed to indigenous rights and environmental protection in the Paraguayan Chaco.

  • Coachy - Sell your video-training! Dennis Spohr

    With Coachy trainers and coaches can sell their video-trainings online. Coachy creates a Member Area, where Members (buyers) can login and watch the training-videos. Member Areas can be created in either German or English and is accessible via a subdomain of (internal it's a "normal" page). This demo shows an example of such an Member Area: This project is quite complex and I would love to get some feedback from you guys. Integrated:, Klick-Tipp, Digistore24, Foundation Framework, AWS SES, AWS S3, Vimeo-Upload and some more.

  • Systemic Disorder. Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany cbc|design

    The Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933 led to profound changes in all areas of society—including the healthcare system. By presenting individual case studies, the exhibition “Systemic Disorder: Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany” demonstrates how life’s possibilities were radically transformed, especially for Jewish doctors and patients. On the website you will find all the content of the exhibition banners, interviews with eyewitnesses and their descendants, and an exploration of visual antisemitism.

  • Maloco and Associates Internet Creation Ltd.

    This is a prominant estate agent and solicitor in Fife. This site make extensive use of Lister Pro to allow them to manage the large number of properties listed in their site. The is a responsive revamp of a site that they had before built in a bespoke CMS and the client has reported Processwire to be much more intuitive.

  • Stefanie Ruck Andreas Tofahrn and

    Website of german voice coach and singer Stefanie Ruck.

  • BC Drive despot and utzyyy (OMdev)

    THE MOST CONVENIENT WAY TO BUY A VEHICLE Whether you need to get on the road or in the water, whether it's a new car to liven up your commute or to get you from A to B, think of us as your personal shopper - here to streamline the process.

  • Tripsite Tripsite plus Pete and Ryan

    European bike and boat trips, hiking/walking trips and river cruises.

  • Kurt König Jonas Hamm and SKØN

    Kurt König Baumaschinen GmbH rents and sells construction machines. On the the machines can be browsed and requested. News, locations and everything else related to the company can be found on the website too.

  • Stellan Kramer Scarto (Design) and Tegelwebb (Development)

    Responsive website for swedish wine and spirits importer Stellan Kramer. Ability to preorder from Systembolaget via simplecart.

  • Xiaomin Deng Xiaoyuan Gao and Marie Madonna

    Portfolio Website we made for Xiaomin Deng. Xiaomin Deng (1990) is a Amsterdam-based designer and writer.

  • Station Register of the Austrian Broadcasting and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Bernhard Baumrock

    Please see

  • (developed in PW by Ryan and Pete)

    A one-stop resource for bike tours in Europe, has been helping travelers’ bike tour dreams come true since 2003. Uses ProcessWire modules: ProFields (Combo, Textareas, Table, Multiplier), FormBuilder, Stripe payments for FormBuilder, Changelog, ProCache, ListerPro, HannaCode, UserActivity.

  • Conversations between Academics and Artists millipedia

    Interdisciplinary conversations between artists and academics.

  • Systemic Disorder. Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany cbc|design

    The Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933 led to profound changes in all areas of society—including the healthcare system. By presenting individual case studies, the exhibition “Systemic Disorder: Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany” demonstrates how life’s possibilities were radically transformed, especially for Jewish doctors and patients. It highlights the trajectory of individual careers, and how new tasks—and new areas of conflict—arose in the healthcare sector. How was the “forced” conformity of the medical profession’s organizations also by acquiescence? What happened to the Reich’s Jewish and “politically undesirable” physicians? What kind of medical care did civilian and military prisoners receive at concentration camps? And how did doctors and healthcare policymakers try to maintain health services for the German populace until the end of the war?

  • Steven Kovar: New Media Steven Kovar

    This is my personal site showcasing my sound work and art installations.

  • Nuclear Med Fixate Web and Design

    A repsonsive website for a nuclear medicine practice based in Pretoria, South Africa.

  • New Focus Recordings Macrura

    New Focus Recordings is an artist led collective label featuring releases in contemporary music of many stripes, as well as new approaches to older repertoire. The label was founded by guitarist Dan Lippel and composer Peter Gilbert in 2003, with engineer/composer Ryan Streber playing a large role in the development of the label since 2004.

  • blu_line Fixate Web and UX Design

    A responsive website for blu_line; specialist kitchen architects based at Design Quarter in Fourways, Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • 3+ more
  • Forums

Latest news

  • ProcessWire Weekly #562
    In the 562nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to cover the latest core updates, introduce a very interesting triplet of newly released third party modules by Bernhard Baumrock, and more. Read on! / 15 February 2025
  • ProcessWire 3.0.244 new main/master version
    ProcessWire 3.0.244 is our newest main/master/stable version. It's been more than a year in the making and is packed with tons of new features, issue fixes, optimizations and more. This post covers all the details.
    Blog / 18 January 2025
  • Subscribe to weekly ProcessWire news

“Yesterday I sent the client a short documentation for their ProcessWire-powered website. Today all features already used with no questions. #cmsdoneright—Marc Hinse, Web designer/developer