Search results summary
$mail apivar
Provides an API interface to email and WireMail.
wireMail($to = '', string $from = '', string $subject = '', $body = '', $options = array) function
Send an email or get a WireMail object to populate before send
WireMail class
A module type that handles sending of email in ProcessWire
wireMail($key = '', $value = null) apivar.method
$mail->new($options = []) apivar.method
Get a new WireMail instance for sending email
$mail->to($email, string $name = null) apivar.method
Return new WireMail instance populated with “to” email
$mail->from(string $email, $name = null) apivar.method
Return new WireMail instance populated with “from” email
$mail->subject(string $subject) apivar.method
Return new WireMail instance populated with subject
$m->get(string $key) function.method
Get property
$m->set(string $key, mixed $value) function.method
Set property
$m->to($email = null, string $name = null) function.method
Set the email to address
$m->toName(string $name) function.method
Set the 'to' name
$m->from(string $email, $name = null) function.method
Set the email 'from' address and optionally name
$m->fromName(string $name) function.method
Set the 'from' name
$m->replyTo(string $email, $name = null) function.method
Set the 'reply-to' email address and optionally name (where supported)
$m->replyToName(string $name) function.method
Set the 'reply-to' name (where supported)
$m->subject(string $subject) function.method
Set the email subject
$m->body(string $body) function.method
Set the email message body (text only)
$m->bodyHTML(string $body) function.method
Set the email message body (HTML only)
$m->header($key, string $value) function.method
Set any email header
$m->headers(array $headers) function.method
Set multiple email headers using associative array
$m->param(string $value) function.method
Set any email param
$m->attachment(string $value, string $filename = '') function.method
Add a file to be attached to the email
$m->send() function.method
Send the email
$m->encodeSubject(string $subject) function.method
Encode a subject, use mbstring if available
- 21+ more
WireMailSwiftMailer Teppo
WireMail module providing Swift Mailer integration
WireMailSmtp Horst Nogajski
extends WireMail, uses SMTP protocol (plain | ssl | tls), provides: to, cc, bcc, attachments, priority, disposition notification, bulksending, ...
WireMailMailgun macrura
Mailgun for ProcessWire
WireMailPHPMailer ukyo (@trk)
This module extends WireMail base class, integrating the PHPMailer mailing library into ProcessWire.
WireMailChimp benbyf
Mailchimp integration for Processwire
WireMailRouter Ryan Cramer
WireMail module that sends email through other WireMail modules based upon configurable rules.
WireMailSendGrid thegc
Extend WireMail to bypass PHP Mail and send mail via SendGrids Web API
WireMailgun NB Communication
Extends WireMail to use the Mailgun API for sending emails.
WireMailPostmark Netcarver
Allows Processwire to send transactional email via Postmark
WireMailPostmarkApp NB Communication
Extends WireMail to use the Postmark API for sending emails.
WireMailGmail Ryan Cramer
WireMail module that sends email through Google’s Gmail. Requires GoogleClientAPI module first.
RockMailLogger bernhard
Logs all send() operations to the PW logs
WireMailMandrill Craig Rodway
A WireMail implementation using the Mandrill HTTP API
WireMailBranding martijn-geerts
Add a wrapper around bodyHTML.
WireMailBrevo Timothy de Vos
Allows Processwire to send transactional email via Brevo
Two new WireMail modules and using Gmail with PW 5 years ago
A look at two new WireMail modules for sending email, plus details on how you can configure ProcessWire to use Gmail for sending email.
ProcessWire 3.0.109 adds two-factor authentication 6 years ago
In the last blog post I told you about how two-factor authentication was coming to the core and what our plans were. This week it's ready to use in ProcessWire 3.0.109, so we'll take a closer look at all the details and how to use it.
Two-factor authentication updates in ProcessWire 3.0.159 5 years ago
ProcessWire 3.0.159 brings some useful and time-saving upgrades to the core two-factor authentication system. Also summarizes core updates in 3.0.156, 3.0.157 and 3.0.158.
New modules, file validation, and great websites 5 years ago
A look at two new modules released this week: LoginRegisterPro and FileValidatorImage. Discussion on upcoming plans for new FileValidator modules and how they are useful in PW. Plus a brief highlight of two great new ProcessWire-powered websites: Aaron Copland (an American composer) and Sono Motors (an EV startup).
New ProcessWire modules directory 4 years ago
There’s a new modules directory on the ProcessWire site now up and running. In this post we’ll cover a few details about what’s changed and what’s new.
Using InnoDB with ProcessWire 6 years ago
This week we take a look at a couple of reasons why you might want to choose InnoDB as your MySQL database engine when installing ProcessWire.
Using TinyMCE 6 in ProcessWire 2 years ago
The TinyMCE 6 rich text editor opens up a lot of new and useful abilities for ProcessWire users. In this post, we'll take a look at a few of them, and how you can start using them now, with a focus on those that are unique to ProcessWire's adaptation of TinyMCE.
Using date range fields in ProcessWire 1 year ago
This week we'll take a detailed look at the newest addition to the ProFields set of modules: the Date Range Fieldtype and Inputfield.
ProcessWire 2.6.12 core updates, updates to several Pro modules and more 9 years ago
Continued improvements to AJAX editing in ProcessWire, plus a new Pages > Add New menu and landing page. We also have new versions of all ProFields modules, new version of ListerPro and more.
New paginated Fieldtype support and FieldtypeTable upgrades 8 years ago
With support for paginated Fieldtypes, ProcessWire’s scalability has moved to the next level. Not sure what this means? Don't worry, this post has a screencast that makes it clear. We've also got some other nice upgrade for ProFields Table.
More Repeaters, Repeater Matrix and New Field Rendering 9 years ago
In ProcessWire 3.0.5, you can nest repeater fields and use dynamic/AJAX loading for all items. Plus we've got the first test version of Repeater Matrix released, and new support for field templates…
New 2.8 version, current projects and PW usage 8 years ago
This week we've got ProcessWire 2.8.62, a look at some current work-in-progress, and some nice momentum in ProcessWire usage and market share.
New ajax-driven inputs, conditional hooks, template family settings and more 9 years ago
Major updates to the core dev branch this week, including system-wide support for AJAX-driven Inputfields, support for conditional hooks, some very useful updates to the Template editor, improvements to our autocomplete field, a new version of CKEditor, upgrades to AdminThemeReno and more!
New Site Profiles, Site Exporter and more… 10 years ago
The ProcessWire installer now lets you choose a site profile. New site profile exporter is far better than the previous. Support for append/prepend files on a per-template basis
New user-admin permissions, automatic version change detection, and more (2.6.10) 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.10 brings new granular support of user-admin permissions, auto-detection with cache-clearing following core version changes, improved permissions view, and support for re-labeling the page "name" field.
ProcessWire 2.6.8 brings new version of Reno admin theme and more 9 years ago
This week we're excited to bring you a new version of the Reno admin theme that offers a lot of nice refinements and new features. We also have some new color sets for the Reno theme, and several new core API functions that we think you may find useful.
ProcessWire 2.6.9 core updates, new ProCache version, and more 9 years ago
ProcessWire 2.6.9 brings a useful new API method, more control over slashes in URLs, and more. This week we also released a new version of ProCache and this post goes into detail about all that it does.
ProcessWire 3.0.112 and new Verified URL Fieldtype 6 years ago
This post takes a comprehensive look at the new Verified URL Fieldtype added to the ProcessWire ProFields package. We also review updates for the latest version of ProcessWire, 3.0.112 on the dev branch.
ProcessWire 3.0.13, selector upgrades, and new Form Builder version 9 years ago
This week we've got major upgrades to ProcessWire's selector engine, a great new version of Form Builder, and a few other core updates as well!
ProcessWire 3.0.73 and new Fieldset types 7 years ago
This post is all about fieldsets in ProcessWire. Version 3.0.73 adds some nice UI upgrades when it comes to working with them. Plus we cover two new modules we have in development for managing groups of fields in fieldsets.
ProcessWire 3.0.75 and a new version of ProDrafts 7 years ago
A new version of ProcessWire on the dev branch, and a new version of ProDrafts that adds repeater support and workflow support.
ProcessWire 3.0.9 adds new long-click and save actions 9 years ago
This week's version of ProcessWire adds several new UI enhancements to the admin. We also have a new version of ProDrafts, now with Live Preview!
ProcessWire updates and new field types 8 years ago
This week we've got a new multi-language email field, a tutorial on how to use file/image files as multi-language fields, plus we introduce a new and unique ProFields module that's in the works.
ProcessWire 3.0.76, a new front-end account module and much more 7 years ago
This week we've got a new core version, a new version of the Uikit 3 admin theme, a new version of ProCache with SCSS and LESS support, plus a brand new module that provides user login, new user registration and a user profile editor, all for the front-end of your site.
ProcessWire 3.0.119 and new site updates (part 3) 6 years ago
This week we take a look at what's new in ProcessWire 3.0.119 and then we finish up by taking a look at a few screenshots from the new ProcessWire development website.
- 96+ more
Extending the ProcessWire Admin Using Custom Modules Docs
In this tutorial we’re going to look into extending ProcessWire’s admin using custom modules. With three example modules I will give you small a taste of the power ProcessWire modules have for adding new functionality to the admin. By Ben Byford.
Using hooks Docs
ProcessWire contains many methods that you may easily hook in order to modify the behavior of the method. Hooks can also be used to add new methods to existing classes.
Using custom page types in ProcessWire Docs
A look at some lesser known advanced techniques that enable you to introduce new conveniences by creating custom page types. An advanced tutorial by Benjamin Milde.
Modules Blog
Pro modules Blog
Modules & hooks Docs
A module is a type of plugin that runs in ProcessWire, and they come in many flavors. At its core, ProcessWire is a platform for executing modules, and much ProcessWire is built upon these modules.
Pro modules Docs
Pro modules are commercial modules developed by Ryan Cramer (lead developer of ProcessWire) that support the development of the ProcessWire core.
Introduction to modules Docs
Learn about what modules are, what different flavors of modules are available, how to install them, and where to get them.
Third-party modules Docs
The ProcessWire modules directory contains hundreds of useful third-party modules that you can download and/or directly install into ProcessWire.
Third party modules Docs
We can vouch for the security of the code that we write in the ProcessWire core, but we can't vouch for the security of third party modules. Follow these guidelines to maximize your security with third party modules.
A Beginner’s Introduction to Writing Modules in ProcessWire Docs
In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to create and install modules, look at their requirements, and explain how to use PW hooks to add functionality to other functions within your site. Published at Envato Tuts+. By Ben Byford.
Modules Download
The ProcessWire modules directory contains hundreds of free 3rd party plugin modules that you can use with ProcessWire.
About the /site/modules/ directory Docs
This directory /site/modules/ is where you may install additional 3rd party plugin modules, or create your own. Read on for more details.
Creating multi-language modules Docs
If you are a module developer, you might want to bundle multi-language translations with your module. This page covers all the details step-by-step.
New features Blog
Guides and tutorials Blog
Images and files Blog
Export and import Blog
How to install and setup ProcessWire CMS Docs
This is a beginner’s guide and introduction to ProcessWire located at Envato Tuts+. By Ben Byford.
URL segments and routing Docs
URL segments enable your page’s template file to become a URL router or controller to act upon different URLs sent to it.
URLs and page names Blog
Food and Drink Showcase
Health and Fitness Showcase
Home and Garden Showcase
- 4+ more
Maloco and Associates Internet Creation Ltd.
This is a prominant estate agent and solicitor in Fife. This site make extensive use of Lister Pro to allow them to manage the large number of properties listed in their site. The is a responsive revamp of a site that they had before built in a bespoke CMS and the client has reported Processwire to be much more intuitive.
Independent Electrical Contractors of New England Solution Innovators / thetuningspoon
IEC-NE is the region’s premier trade association representing Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island independent electrical and systems contractors. The responsive IEC website features a custom-built membership and event registration system and a back-end CRM system built entirely on ProcessWire pages and ListerPro, making for a totally seamless integration between the organization's website and customer database.
Ergomare SA - Port and Marine Constructions Simple Web Solutions
?RGOMARE SA is proud to have put its own great contribution to the country’s port infrastructure during the last 35 years, having accomplished more than 100 large and small port projects.
New Focus Recordings Macrura
New Focus Recordings is an artist led collective label featuring releases in contemporary music of many stripes, as well as new approaches to older repertoire. The label was founded by guitarist Dan Lippel and composer Peter Gilbert in 2003, with engineer/composer Ryan Streber playing a large role in the development of the label since 2004.
Conversations between Academics and Artists millipedia
Interdisciplinary conversations between artists and academics.
Association and Foundation for Indigenous Communities in Paraguay Patrick Zenhäusern
Association and Foundation for Indigenous Communities in Paraguay. Our foundation and associations are committed to indigenous rights and environmental protection in the Paraguayan Chaco.
Roger Shapiro Fund for New Music Macrura
Established by composer/pianist Dina Koston, who named the fund after her husband, psychiatrist Roger Shapiro, the Roger Shapiro Fund is a new fund for commissioning, performance and recording of New Music.
New Journey Community Church Nerd Specs Creative
An extremely fast, modern church website leveraging ProcessWire's ability to customize client administration. The blog and sermon sections couldn't be easier for this church to post to!
Orpot Web Design and Development Orpot
We are a group of professionals who together have more than 20 years of experience in the design and development of websites, we have worked in various agencies and gained experience to offer our services. We use diverse technologies to achieve attractive and functional sites. We currently offer our services to clients from all over Mexico, USA and Canada.
Carneros Resort and Spa Zambezi Search Marketing, LLC
Luxury resort in Napa Valley.
Glenroy and Associates Limited Glenroy and Associates Tech Team
Glenroy and Associates provide consultancy services, personal and business development strategies, mechanical and process engineering and more to public and private organizations at the national, regional and global entities.
Flaunt Productions New Now Ltd
Flaunt is based in the UK and makes stylised character animation for games, commercials, broadcast and digital.
Axis Animation New Now Ltd
Founded in 2000, Axis is an award-winning, international studio of directors, designers, artists, animators, writers and producers that creates content for the biggest names in video games, film, television, commercials and online entertainment.
Tripsite Tripsite plus Pete and Ryan
European bike and boat trips, hiking/walking trips and river cruises.
Steven Kovar: New Media Steven Kovar
This is my personal site showcasing my sound work and art installations.
Axis VFX New Now Ltd
In July 2013 award winning animation studio Axis teamed up with key industry VFX Supervisors and Producers to create an exciting new boutique visual effects studio: axisVFX. Producing high-end CGI and Visual Effects for film and TV, axisVFX is owned and run by craftspeople.
Station Register of the Austrian Broadcasting and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Bernhard Baumrock
Please see