InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields() method

Date/time Inputfield configuration, per field

  • Intended to be extended by each Inputfield as needed to add more config options.

  • The returned InputfieldWrapper ultimately ends up as the "Input" tab in the fields editor (admin).

  • Descending Inputfield classes should first call this method from the parent class to get the default configuration fields and the InputfieldWrapper they can add to.

  • Returned Inputfield instances with a name attribute that starts with an underscore, i.e. "_myname" are assumed to be for runtime use and are NOT stored in the database.

  • If you prefer, you may instead implement the Inputfield::getConfigArray() method as an alternative.


// Example getConfigInputfields() implementation
public function ___getConfigInputfields() {
  // Get the defaults and $inputfields wrapper we can add to
  $inputfields = parent::___getConfigInputfields();
  // Add a new Inputfield to it
  $f = $this->wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText');
  $f->attr('name', 'first_name');
  $f->attr('value', $this->get('first_name'));
  $f->label = 'Your First Name';
  return $inputfields;



Return value


Populated with Inputfield instances

Hooking InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields()

You can add your own hook events that are executed either before or after the InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields() method is executed. Examples of both are included below. A good place for hook code such as this is in your /site/ready.php file.

Hooking before

The 'before' hooks are called immediately before each InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields() method call is executed. This type of hook is especially useful for modifying arguments before they are sent to the method.

$this->addHookBefore('InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields', function(HookEvent $event) {
  // Get the object the event occurred on, if needed
  $InputfieldDatetime = $event->object;

  /* Your code here, perhaps modifying arguments */

  // Populate back arguments (if you have modified them)

Hooking after

The 'after' hooks are called immediately after each InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields() method call is executed. This type of hook is especially useful for modifying the value that was returned by the method call.

$this->addHookAfter('InputfieldDatetime::getConfigInputfields', function(HookEvent $event) {
  // Get the object the event occurred on, if needed
  $InputfieldDatetime = $event->object;

  // An 'after' hook can retrieve and/or modify the return value
  $return = $event->return;

  /* Your code here, perhaps modifying the return value */

  // Populate back return value, if you have modified it
  $event->return = $return;

See Also

InputfieldDatetime methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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