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Template 'Name format for children' expansion


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Currently the 'Name format for children' setting is limited to:

  • alphanumeric: 'test', will turn into 'test', 'test-2', 'test-3' etc.
  • title: name will be based on the title once filled in (at first it will make the name 'unpublished', 'unpublished-2' etc.)
  • date: the addition of any non alphanumeric character (including space) will cause it to be interpreted as date. So entering 'test more' will lead to some date string that doesn't make sense


If possible i would like this to be made more fool-proof. But ideally i would like the 'Name format for children' to have more options. Like combining the different options and maybe be able to choose from more fields, apart from title.

I also think that in cases where you want to auto-populate the name you often don't really care about the page title as well. So it would be cool if one could auto-populate a page title (and maybe other possible global required fields) as well. If the format would allow for date/timestamp, fieldvalues, text and combinations of those it would be really powerful. Also probably a lot of work but it's a wish-list after all :)

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I do not think it is possible to generate name based on any other custom field but the title as no field is populated or even connected to the page at that moment. But the id, created by, created should be availiable. And being able to define some kind of pattern using those will be great. So we can get something like:

  • item-123 (where 123 is id)
  • post-2015-05-17 (where 2015-05-17 is date) and post-2015-05-17-2 for sequential ones.
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If you have pages setup for the 1 step page creation and you have title set as format, at first it will make the name 'unpublished', 'unpublished-2' etc. It updates when you fill the title and save the page.

The same route could be taken for other fields than title.

I must admit that i don't use the format option a lot, i don't know about the general PW public.

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