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[JOB] ProcessWire development for member based system


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We've just landed a nice project with member functionality and we are looking to outsource some work. The skills we are looking for are:

  • Good communication skills
  • At least medior ProcessWire knowlegde (you should be able to build a module)
  • Good understanding of AJAX (you should be able to build small forms and post them with AJAX)
  • Good insight in member based/interaction application development
  • Basic front-end development
  • The development work can be done in English, but please note that the actual system in going to be in the Dutch language (since we first start in English this shouldn't be a problem)

Work done here:

  • UX
  • Visual design
  • ProcessWire configuration (i.e. templates/fields/structure)
  • CSS styling

Work done by you:

  • Build the application on the front-end with minimal styling but in accordance with the layout (unsemantic layout framework).
  • Build the forms and process the data with the great ProcessWire API
  • Build an AJAX based filter system (example in Dutch)
  • Build a simple subscription layer on top of the application (like Quora, basic functionality is visible to all, extended functionality only to members).
  • Each member role will have additional subscription options which will have to be paid (using Mollie > great API) (this can be done later if we don't have time right now)
  • Save all the processed data to simple text based log files ($log API variable) (this can be done later if we don't have time right now)

My estimate that there will be around 40-70 hours of work to be done in PHP. Most of this will have to be done before 1 May. If it's possible you can start earlier please let me know. I know that is tight, but we have a decent budget. If you are interested please let me know.

If you are interested please sent me some work you have done plus your hour-rate in a PM. After the initial contact we can setup a chat or Skype call and discuss the project further (both estimate and billing stuff). 


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Thanks. I did not develop the editor, it's licensed. Sir Trevor is nice, I like the simplicity, but yes, it's lacking some essential features like pictures. Are you looking for a builder? I may be able to recommend one, I've researched many.  

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