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(Core Module?) Fresh Thumbs


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To refresh my thumbnails I have been using a solution found in this thread. It is a script in the root of my PW installation on my localhost that when accessed in the browser displays a list of all "orphaned" image files and directories, this way: 

        if (!in_array($f->getFilename(), $valid)) {
            echo "Orphaned file: " . wire('config')->urls->files . "$id/" . $f->getBasename() . "\n";
//             unlink($f->getPathname());

So you can preview the list first, and then choose to un-comment the unlink function and re-run the script to delete them, and fresh thumbs will be regenerated the next time they are requested, all the outdated ones will be eliminated.

I want to make this a simple module:

  1. Include this script on an admin page
  2. Create a Fresh Thumbs action option on the page (just a button, rather than having to un-comment that line in the source)
  3. Enable a cron job option...

Seems simple enough so I was hoping maybe someone could shed some light on this for me. Past the creation of a blank admin page, I'm sure I can just include the file and figure out the rest with that foundation. I have also been curious as to how to do this for a long time. 

As always all your gracious input is much appreciated in advance.

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