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Fieldtype ColorPicker


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Custom Fieldtype/Inputfield for ProcessWire 2.+

This module gives you a new custom Fieldtype. Let's you select a color using a Colorpicker jQuery Plugin. The color selected will be stored in HEX format uppercase: "EAEAEA";

To use it in your template as a background HEX color, you'd simple output the value and prefix it with a #:

echo "background-color: #" . $page->color;

When creating a new field in the admin, you can set a default value the field should be prefilled with when creating a new page. The field supports a "reset" button to be able to set it back to the default value.
The colorpicker used: ColorPicker jQuery Plugin by Eyecon

Since 1.0.6 the colorpicker supports color swatches to add predefined colors for easy selection. Thanks @Rayden for the implementation.

How to install:

  • Download the contents of this repository and put the folder renamed as "ColorPicker" into your site/modules/ folder
  • Login to processwire and got to Modules page and click "Check for new modules". You should see a note that two new modules were found. Install the FieldtypeColorPicker module under "Field" section. This will also install the required InputfieldColorPicker at the same time.
  • Done
  • You can now create a new field with the "ColorPicker" Fieldtype.

Get it from modules section: http://modules.proce...e-color-picker/



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(can't attach/upload files! what's going on?)

You have probably wasted your generous 500kt (heh heh) quota on old forums already: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=attachments

So maybe that limit could be raised, Pete and Ryan?

About your module, great stuff, I am pretty sure this will come handy! Do you save the hex-value or rgb?

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Soma, great idea and it seems to work great. Nice job.

As for the code in there, I think all looks good except that you've got a lot of 'extra' that you don't need. I don't think there's any reason to extend FieldtypeText (?) so I would just start from a fresh Fieldtype instead:

class FieldtypeColorPicker extends Fieldtype {

 public static function getModuleInfo() {
return array(
  'title' => 'ColorPicker',
  'version' => 100,
  'summary' => 'Field that stores a hex color as string in a text field. Color is picked using a jQuery ColorPicker Plugin by http://www.eyecon.ro/colorpicker/',
  'installs' => 'InputfieldColorPicker'

 public function getBlankValue(Page $page, Field $field) {
return 'FFFFFF';

 public function sanitizeValue(Page $page, Field $field, $value) {
return strtoupper(substr($value, 0, 6));

 public function getInputfield(Page $page, Field $field) {
return $this->modules->get('InputfieldColorPicker');

 public function getDatabaseSchema(Field $field) {
$schema = parent::getDatabaseSchema($field);
$schema['data'] = 'CHAR(6) NOT NULL'; // i.e. FFFFFF or 333333 (hex color codes)
return $schema;

Likewise, your Inputfield had a lot of extra functions and stuff in there that you didn't need. So you could reduce it to this:

class InputfieldColorPicker extends Inputfield {

 public static function getModuleInfo() {
return array(
  'title' => 'ColorPicker',
  'version' => 100,
  'summary' => 'Provides and ColorPicker interface for defining hex color.',
  'requires' => array("FieldtypeColorPicker")

 public function __construct() {
$this->setAttribute('type', 'hidden');

 public function init() {
$this->config->styles->add($this->config->urls->InputfieldColorPicker . "colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css");
$this->config->scripts->add($this->config->urls->InputfieldColorPicker . "colorpicker/js/colorpicker.js");  

 public function ___render() {
$out = "\n<p><div id='ColorPicker_$this->name' style='border:2px solid #444;display:block;width:40px;height:40px;background-color:#".$this->value."'></div>";
$out .= "<input " . $this->getAttributesString() . " /></p>";
$out .= <<<_OUT

<script type='text/javascript'>
 color: '#$this->value',
 onShow: function (colpkr) {
return false;
 onHide: function (colpkr) {
return false;
 onChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) {
$('#ColorPicker_$this->name').css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex);



return $out;
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@apeisa, I don't know if it got to do with limited space? ... switched to extended post options ... ok now that is funny, that has to be most funny notice I've seen. There's this line I didn't payed attention closely yet but it says: "Used 2.84MB of your 500K global upload quota (Max. single file size: 100MB)" :D

And yes it's stored as hex. I also thought about wether to chose rgb or hex. And I can't really tell as there's so many option possible, so I just went with hex. I don't know if a converted function or a separate fieldtype or a config option would be best. I haven't really put much more time into it for now, but now that it's working it's time to consider some more possible options.

@ryan, you're awesome, you just made my day. Seriously you helped me really a lot just by doing this cleanup. This is great, as I was also thinking about what could still be removed that's not necessary, but I struggled a lot because I'm still learning this stuff. Thanks for the better database shema! Haven't really taken care of that, oh well. Good idea. I will study it to get a little more clear on fieldtypes. Basicly I wasn't sure what really would be needed to create a new one and thought extending text field would be ok, so I copied the text fieldtype code and deleted some stuff but I guess it was a little off still :D I will implement the changes now and update the rep.

Thanks so much for your help!

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Ok, I cleaned up the code and tested it. I just comited a new version to github.

  • improved database schema
  • removed a lot of not needed functions and code
  • fixed an issue where it wouldn't trigger a change on the hidden form text input, now works with "isdirty" type of js checks, i.e. for save reminder type modules

Thanks again Ryan. I may will get back with some questions... but need some sleep now :D

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  • 6 months later...

Thanks Adam, didn't really notice somethings wrong (wrong method name) when recently adding version to scripts. It's fixed in latest commit. You should be able to install it sucessfully.

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Yeah, I noticed, thanks.

If the MM has update function, can you update the version on modules.processwire.com ? I'd love to try that :) [sorry for DP both here and on GH]

Yep, it's now updated on directory.

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  • 2 months later...


Great module! Is it possible to give an example on how to use it in the templates? Thanks in advance!



Found it :)

It's just $page->field_color


Thanks, glad you found it out on your own. I wanted to add that you also need echo it ;)

echo $page->field_color;

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wanted to use Soma's Sliders to generate hsl colours.( 3 sliders ) But Older IE needs rgb.

here's just a bunch of code I used/created to manage it.

maybe helpful.

<?php header("Content-type: text/css");
// rgbToHsl
function rgbToHsl ( array $rgb ) {
list( $r, $g, $b ) = $rgb;
$r/= 255;
$g/= 255;
$b/= 255;
$max = max( $r, $g, $b );
$min = min( $r, $g, $b );
$l = ( $max + $min )/ 2;
if ( $max == $min ) {
 $h = $s = 0;
} else {
 $d = $max - $min;
 $s = $l > 0.5 ? $d/ ( 2 - $max - $min ) : $d/ ( $max + $min );
 switch( $max ) {
  case $r:
  $h = ( $g - $b )/ $d + ( $g < $b ? 6 : 0 );
  case $g:
  $h = ( $b - $r )/ $d + 2;
  case $b:
  $h = ( $r - $g )/ $d + 4;
 $h/= 6;
return array( $h, $s, $l );
// hslToRgb
function hslToRgb ( array $hsl ) {
list( $h, $s, $l ) = $hsl;
if ( $s == 0 ) {
 $r = $g = $b = $l;
else {
 $q = $l < 0.5 ? $l * ( 1 + $s ) : $l + $s - $l * $s;
 $p = 2 * $l - $q;
 $r = hueToRgb( $p, $q, $h + 1/ 3 );
 $g = hueToRgb( $p, $q, $h );
 $b = hueToRgb( $p, $q, $h - 1/ 3 );
return array( round( $r * 255 ), round( $g * 255 ), round( $b * 255 ) );
// Convert percentages to points (0-255)
function normalizeCssRgb ( array $rgb ) {
foreach ( $rgb as &$val ) {
 if ( strpos( $val, '%' ) !== false ) {
  $val = str_replace( '%', '', $val );
  $val = round( $val * 2.55 );
return $rgb;
// cssHslToRgb
function cssHslToRgb ( array $hsl ) {
// Normalize the hue degree value then convert to float
$h = array_shift( $hsl );
$h = $h % 360;
if ( $h < 0 ) {
 $h = 360 + $h;
$h = $h/ 360;
// Convert s and l to floats
foreach ( $hsl as &$val ) {
 $val = str_replace( '%', '', $val );
 $val/= 100;
list( $s, $l ) = $hsl;

$hsl = array( $h, $s, $l );
$rgb = hslToRgb( $hsl );

return $rgb;
// hueToRgb
function hueToRgb ( $p, $q, $t ) {
if ( $t < 0 ) $t += 1;
if ( $t > 1 ) $t -= 1;
if ( $t < 1/6 ) return $p + ( $q - $p ) * 6 * $t;
if ( $t < 1/2 ) return $q;
if ( $t < 2/3 ) return $p + ( $q - $p ) * ( 2/ 3 - $t ) * 6;
return $p;
// rgbToHex
function rgbToHex ( array $rgb ) {
$hex_out = '#';
foreach ( $rgb as $val ) {
 $hex_out .= str_pad( dechex( $val ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT );
return $hex_out;
// hexToRgb
function hexToRgb ( $hex ) {
$hex = substr( $hex, 1 );

// Handle shortened format
if ( strlen( $hex ) === 3 ) {
 $long_hex = array();
 foreach ( str_split( $hex ) as $val ) {
  $long_hex[] = $val . $val;
 $hex = $long_hex;
else {
 $hex = str_split( $hex, 2 );
return array_map( 'hexdec', $hex );
* Output to a "r, g, b" string
function colorStringRGB($h, $s, $l ) {
$output = '';
$hsl = array($h, $s, $l);
$color = cssHslToRgb($hsl);

foreach( $color as $rgb ) $output .= $rgb . ', ';

$output = rtrim( $output, ', ' );
return $output;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$out = '';
$sections = array(
'aa' => 'value-a',
'bb' => 'value-b',
'cc' => 'value-c',
'dd' => 'value-d',
'ee' => 'value-e',
'ff' => 'value-f',
'gg' => 'value-g',

* Converts HSL to RGB.
$minH = $page->css_hue->min;
$maxH = $page->css_hue->max;
$count = count($sections);
$steps = round(( $maxH - $minH ) / $count);
$minL = $page->css_lightness->min;
$maxL = $page->css_lightness->max;
// l is defined in the foreach
$h = $page->css_check == 1 ? $minH : $maxH;
$s = $page->css_saturation;

foreach($sections as $key => $value) {
$out .= "\n\nli." . $key . ' {';
$out .= "\n\t" . 'background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, ($s+20), $minL) . ');';
$out .= "\n" .  '}';
$out .= "\n";  
$out .= "\n\ndiv." . $key . ' {';
$out .= "\n\t" . 'background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, ($s+20), $minL) . ');';
$out .= "\n" .  '}';
$out .= "\n";  
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column {			    background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(2n) {  background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(3n) {  background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(5n) {  background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(7n) {  background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(11n) { background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(13n) { background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(17n) { background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column:nth-child(23n) { background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column.r1.c8 {		  background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';
$out .= "\n." . $key . ' .column.r3.c1 {		  background-color: rgb(' . colorStringRGB($h, $s, rand($minL,$maxL)) . '); }';

$h = $page->css_check == 1 ? $h + $steps : $h - $steps;


echo $out;

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could create a styles.php template. And add your colorpicker there.

then on top of that PHP file:

<?php header("Content-type: text/css"); ?>

Martijn, can you give any more information on how to get this working. Did you rename your style.css file to style.php and update it in the head tag?

That's what I did but don't think PW likes it as the page is coming up unstyled?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just found a possible issue. I can't seem to get colorpicker fields to work from within a fieldset tab?

When I click on the colour, nothing comes up, but the same field works fine outside of a fieldset?

I'm on the latest dev version of PW - not sure if that's relevant.

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