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How do you update a page with all its field via front-end?


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I'm just getting started and have looked for ways to update a page including its fields via a front-end form, but I'm missing a few pieces of the puzzle. Here's what I have, mostly borrowed from posts on this forum:

$page = $pages->get('1015'); // get some page

// make a form
$form = $modules->get('InputfieldForm');
$form->method = 'post';
$form->action = './';

// add the page's fields to the form

// add a submit button to the form
$submit = $modules->get('InputfieldSubmit'); 
$submit->name = 'submit';

// process the form if it was submitted
if($input->post->submit) {
    echo '<p>saved</p>';

// render the form output
echo $form->render(); 

I think the problem is that I have to loop through the form inputs and save them individually? How would I do this?

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Take a look at Soma's gist.

It loops through all the fields of your page and displays a form.

Then on Submit of the form it again loops through each field and saves the value.

It also includes all styles and scripts that you need for your form to work on the frontend.

This is working great for my frontend form.

If you need help implementing it, let us know.

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I unfortunately don't have an answer to your specific question (I'm rather new to ProcessWire myself), but have you seen the "Fredi" module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fredi/

It will handle the front-end editing for you.

Yeah I looked at that, it's a nice solution but not quite what I had in mind. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Take a look at Soma's gist.

It loops through all the fields of your page and displays a form.

Then on Submit of the form it again loops through each field and saves the value.

It also includes all styles and scripts that you need for your form to work on the frontend.

This is working great for my frontend form.

If you need help implementing it, let us know.

Looks like there's a lot of cool stuff to find down there, thanks for the link!

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