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how does wire("pages")/wire("page") work?


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Hi seedle,

Firstly, 2.5 is the current stable version so you should grab that instead.

As for page/pages:



I am not really sure what information you need, but to clarify, wire('page') is effectively the same as $page, but due to PHP variable scope $page is not available inside your own functions, inside PW modules, or on a script that is bootstrapped to PW. That is when you need to use wire('page'). Same goes for all the PW variables: wire('input'), wire('sanitizer'), wire('user') etc.

If you are wondering what $page and $pages are actually for. Basically, $page gives you access to all the fields on the currently viewed page on your site, eg: $page->body

$pages gives you access to all pages on your site - you can query the pages you want using selectors, which are Processwire's version of database queries.

It sounds like you might benefit from reading through some of the new tutorials: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ and of course the cheatsheet: http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/

Hope that helps!

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