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selecting filtered data for page fieldtype


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I may be looking at this wrong.

Say I have parent=companies, sub-pages as company. on the company template we have all the usual details address etc. 

Then we have contacts for that company which I could use a page fieldtype to select from the parent=contacts branch.

What I cant get my head around is how to only show the contacts that belong to the company concerned on the company page. The contacts have a company field that they belong to.

I must be missing something obvious as this must have been done loads of times?

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Sorry should have explained. Yes it is in admin. If necessary I would like to be able to see the appropriate association's in either direction. So on a contact admin page, I could see the company or companies that the contact belongs to. And vice versa. It could be a 'many to many' relationship.

@renobird this is related to the building of the project manager process module that we were talking about in the other thread, in a procedural sense. I suppose theoretically I could build a module(s) that did this but it seems such a 'normal' thing that I thought a wonder field may exist already? :-)

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Actually I see where you  guys are coming from. If I have all the company details on a page, then I only need the company reference in the contact page in order to establish the relationship? Nope that is nonsense. sorry for the meanderings. Cant see how to delete a silly post.

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Yes I have adapted the sample module and I am using that to manage projects as mentioned that will include the company(ies) and contacts working on that project and that works great as a list.

If I view a company page I would like to see who already works for them as well as be able to select new contacts, or, add new ones. I think I can do that with a page fieldtype.

However, when I view the contact page, I would like to see the company(ies) that they belong to, and, if I add a new contact, select a company for them to belong to.

I need to get better at explaining myself.

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