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repeatable page elements -- how do you approach it?


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Hi all,

I just discovered Processwire and am very intrigued as a current Textpattern user, and seeing the similarities and new possibilities.  Quick question -- how do you all manage your repeatable page elements that contain Processwire variables (called forms in TXP)?  By "repeatable page elements" I mean formatted content like blog entries, calendar events, etc. within a greater page layout.

I realize this is outside the scope of Processwire itself, and more on the personal workflow side, but I'm curious to see what methods people use before I start building.  Do you store them in a PHP include as variables?  Functions?  A combination of both?  I'd like to hear how people typically approach this, and why.  Thanks!


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I should probably clarify that I'm interested in methods to abstract these elements outside of the templates, so I can reuse them.  Perhaps I'm overthinking it...do people just do something like this?


function blog_entry_markup ($x) {
echo "<strong>$x->title</strong><br />$x->body";


foreach ($page->children as $child) {
blog_entry_markup ($child);
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Very much like that. I have common includes (/templates/includes/common.inc) where I keep my most used functions (ie. renderList, renderItem) which can be used with almost any kind of content (blog posts, news, events etc..). I have some more spesific functions also (like renderCalendar etc) which require some spesific kind of content (like event here). I currently keep them in same file, but I might put those as separate file (like events.inc).

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Cool, another TXP user :-)

An .inc file (or .inc.php) is the direct analog to a Textpattern form. The main difference being that TXP stores forms (i.e. partials) and page templates in the database, and ProcessWire stores them as files.

So for example:

<txp:output_form form="sidebar_gallery" />

Would typically be like this in ProcessWire:

<?php include('sidebar_gallery.inc'); ?>
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Great, glad to know I'm on the right track!  I see some nice organizational possibilities using associative arrays or classes/objects to store markup.  Thanks for the responses, I'm stoked to implement a site with PW now.

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