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better way to finding all years


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is there a faster/better way to do this?

With events containing startdate (mandatory) and enddate (optional) - I'm looking up what years has one or more events:

The result is a list of years that contains events. It works fine, but it's a bit slow.

<?for($i=2014;$i>=1980;$i--) {
   $date_start = new DateTime();
   $date_end = new DateTime();
   $date_start = $date_start->setDate($i, 1, 1);
   $date_end = $date_end->setDate($i+1, 1, 1);
   $date_start_ts = $date_start->getTimestamp();
   $date_end_ts = $date_end->getTimestamp();
   $e = $pages->get('/event')->numChildren("enddate!='',enddate>$date_start_ts,startdate<=$date_end_ts");
   $e2 = $pages->get('/event')->numChildren("enddate='',startdate>$date_start_ts,startdate<=$date_end_ts");
   $tot = $e+$e2;

   if($tot>0) {
      echo $i; //print year since it has events

tx, j

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