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inserting links from link list using tinyMCE


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I use a repeater with a collection of fields to maintain a link list on my site. For ease of use i would like to offer editors a sorted link list in an enhanced link insertion dialog of tinyMCE, e.g. a new entry in this dialog box:


The aim is to avoid typing in again links that are already entered in the system.

Is there a hook to link in a new menu item to the tinyMCE insert-link-dialog?



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Couldn't find a really clean way to do this at the moment, but since the view used in pwlink TinyMCE plugin is essentially ProcessPageEditLink and it's execute() method is hookable, you could try tapping into that and altering the resulting markup (return value of said method).

This is first request I've seen for such a thing, but if this sounds like something that would make sense in more cases I'd suggest asking Ryan (by creating a GitHub issue for it) if adding a better way to do this, i.e. new hookable method somewhere before the form markup is generated, would be possible.

Edit: almost forgot: welcome to the forum! :)

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