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nothing to commit, working directory clean


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For the past few occasions, I'm working on some files.

Make my changes. Save. Before I commit or leave a message, I check git status

It's been telling me that there is nothing to commit, working directory is clean.


Why is git not tracking my changes?

I noticed this even on a totally new project.


I'm afraid I have broken my git. How did I do that? Is that even possible?

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I've never known git lie to me. I've known me mess things up and not realise it for a while. I think Craig has probably identified the culprit in his answer but failing that another possible mess up would be working out of a directory you think is symlinked from your git repo but isn't (been there, done that.) If that's the case you still have all your changed code - just diff them with the files in git and pull over the changes and commit.

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Check the .gitignore file in the root of your project, because the default ProcessWire one includes "site" - so everything in there is ignored.

YEAH BUDDY, that's the problem. I can't beleive it's ALWAYS something so simple. lol.

So just to test it, I deleted the contents of .gitignore and ran git status

Just as I thought, it shows everything properly. (I'm still a git newb.)

So now that THAT'S working, what paths should I ignore? 

i'm sure the /cache/ folders. What else?

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