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a friend of mine opened a local business because she's giving vegan cooking lessons for some time now and wants to get into professionality with catering, vegan food for events and so on. I did her website with Processwire. In German only, but well.



  • ProcessWire 2.4
  • FormBuilder
  • Facebook OpenGraph API
  • Inkscape
  • GIMP
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Vim
  • Sublime Text 2

The development process really showed me that Raspberry Pi sucks with Apache2. Well, I'm going to get a vserver.

Hope you like it.



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opened a local business - - - vegan cooking lessons - - - wants to get into professionality with catering - - -

Thats good cause the money is on the internet so a website will add to her business.

Just my 5 cents here:

replace the single veg image with a picture slideshow.

a slideshow with pictures showing for example:

a) different prepared vegan foods

b) rooms or places with people making use of her catering and enjoying the food

c) her catering services for festivals, fairs, (birthday) parties,

d) a picture of Sigrid Weigl in a good looking catering uniform.

e) etc. etc.

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thanks for your kind feedback, I really appreciate that.

felix: I already know Uberspace, thanks for that anyways. I think it might be a good solution.

pwired: Yep, Sigrid and I already thought about having a slideshow but there are not so much resources because she started only a few weeks ago. But it will follow. Thanks for that!



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