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I need to chat less and

I have spent some time touring through the forums. The conversations go deeper than I first thought. 

I bet there must be a treasure trove of great info buried in the forums. So, I am betting many of you must have a mental list (or memory) of the top forum threads that inspired learning?

If I so I love to see your list...

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I could also post all my PW bookmarks but that would probably break the forums!  :P  ;)

So, I leave you with my all time favourite treasure trove (OK, so they are not part of the forums but everything hinges on this) The PW API docs:

http://processwire.com/api/ (especially $page, $pages, selectors and the cheatsheet)... :-) Sorry if I am repeating myself!

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Oh wow, where to start?? I started bookmarking threads and then I gave up very quickly because the whole forum is a treasure trove :)

Like Kongondo, my one bookmarked and favorite page that I return to again and again is http://processwire.com/api/

I also spend a lot of time in the FAQs, API & Templates, and the Modules/Plugins sections of the forum

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I think probably the most important tip is to use google site search to search the forum, rather than the inbuilt IP.Board search which is often not great at all.

site:processwire.com/talk "your search term"

Obviously the quotes are always needed, but are a great idea when trying to search for an error message you might be getting.

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Up to a few moths ago I read all forum posts, but lately I can't keep up. 3 reasons for this: 1) Not much spare time, but the most important 2) ProcessWire has a growing community, ways more posts then a year ago. 3) lot's of things to checkout like new modules.

@einsteinsboi has it right that he points to the /api/, and look at @adrians posts, search the forum with google.

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I think probably the most important tip is to use google site search to search the forum, rather than the inbuilt IP.Board search which is often not great at all.

site:processwire.com/talk "your search term"

Obviously the quotes are always needed, but are a great idea when trying to search for an error message you might be getting.

I just posted a nice way to search the forums on Google in Chrome https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6196-easy-search-on-pw-forums-with-google/

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I cannot tell what threads or posts I best like, it would end up in a list greater than 20 or more.

But I can share a little trick I use to quickly find some of them via google:

  • site:processwire.com/talk
  • (one or more names of users that took part of the conversation)
  • AND ("wordphrase that was in a post there, at best a long one", but need to exact!)
  • OR (a very individual word, if there was any)
  • OR (common keywords)

So when I need to know how to setup an apache server for best caching / compression I search for buttock (top, not buttock!) with or without willyc: search->buttock

Yesterday gebeer needs to know from where a page->render() function was called. My remembered keyword was "caller", and I know that it isn't talked very often about that: search->caller 

A search for younger + foxes do result in a single thread, where as the terms old + foxes is a little bit more common :)

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Too complicated :)

You don't need to enter site:processwire.com/talk "keyword" in google search.

I always just enter the search right in the browser adressbar like:

processwire.com soma is best

works in all browsers and I use it since many years.

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I use a similar approach in Google. If I remember some keywords from the post, I add them to the query including the names of people I knew commented...

I use the omni bar if I know I have bookmarked something - shows my bookmarks... :-) or use the extension searchmarks.

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@digo, I wasn't responding to yours, which I haven't really recognized at that time.

EDIT: after all it doesn't really matter for me, I only enter "p" and the autocomplete does it's job since processwire.com is most visited.

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EDIT: after all it doesn't really matter for me, I only enter "p" and the autocomplete does it's job since processwire.com is most visited.

Is that in chrome? I can do the same, but to search in the PW site, not Google.

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uuuuhh... ooopss, silly me I didn't realize it... (but I knew)

There's something suspicious with that name....

Sorry bout that @einsteinsboi.

 No worries Martijn, doesn't bother me. I know my username is a bit misleading (and/or suspicious :P ), but I've been using it too long all over the web so I'm used to being mistaken for a 'he'. I suppose it's better than being mistaken for an 'it'  O0

When searching the web for processwire stuff I just type 'processwire' and then whatever I'm looking for, that way I get results from both the processwire site and other places where people may have posted questions or answers or posts, e.g. Quora, etc. I find that more effective than just using the "site:" trick

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